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This is a peek at the editing notes process.


Professional YouTuber Vlog Day 2!

So...today didn’t go as planned. But the show must go on! This is me giving Edward notes on the video.



Really appreciating these short behind the scenes moments. Thanks so much for looking after us patrons.


I always love behind the scene stuff like this

How to ADHD

Couldn’t do any of this without you guys ❤️ and that’s not just a line. I didn’t want to admit it when I first started my Patreon, but I was burning out so hard between the channel and my day job my brain shut down and refused to go on one day. That day, I started Patreon. And people donated. And that’s what kept me going — it gave me hope, then helped me work fewer shifts, and now this ☺️


Great job guys!


I'll show this to my son--he wants to be a youtuber (he's only 6 though, so IMO too young), but I want to help him make videos. Knowing how much work goes into not only filming but editing them will help <3 Thanks for letting us behind the scenes, and hope your brain figures out its new schedule soon!


This was really fun to see. I'd love it if at some time you could talk about what equipment you use -- digital camera or iPad/Phone with lenses or whatever, and editing software and so on. Thanks for these looks!


I love the behind the scenes stuff! It's really neat to see how much work you guys put in.


How would you do this if your husband wasn't a film editor?...

How to ADHD

With a lot less editing, probably :) I can do basic editing which isn’t hard to learn and I think I have good creative instincts so my videos would have still been researched and edited but definitely wouldn’t have had animations and such in them. I would have had to get interesting and creative with it another way. I think we all have different skills to bring to the table and part of being resourceful is taking advantage of the tools you have and making do without the tools you don’t. Sometimes being limited can be really good for creativity. It’ll be interesting to see how my vlog develops when I’m limited to only my skills and a tiny amount of time to make them.