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If you and your partner are both struggling to get started on something, try trading tasks! I'm editing the huge brain collaboration while Edward works on crafting fun form responses to the messages I'm overwhelmed with on Facebook. The challenge of stepping outside our usual comfort zones got us back in the game-- and bonus? We'll each bring fresh insights on how to tackle those to do's. For instance, I'm cutting the episode in a way that Edward wouldn't have thought of, and he's not just writing form responses -- he's writing them mad libs style! (Updates coming, I'm sure 😂) in the end we'll both need to tweak each other's work and sure, this is probably taking us way longer than it would if we'd each done our own tasks, but hey -- it beats procrastinating!




This makes so much sense. I know for me it would be that a thing actually gets done at all. Thanks for the tip I'm absolutely going to try it out!


This is genius! Even if it takes you longer (marginally though is my guess), you will have both gained valuable insights, shaken things up, and had some fun doing something different. Win, win, win! And don't forget that perfection is the enemy of good enough. And you've never disappointed with your content! 😘


That's actually really amazing! I'd not thought of that before, but now that you've pointed it out it makes perfect sense! Thank you!

How to ADHD

We just figured it out today 😂 worked beautifully though!


This explains so much about last night in the chat! I love it!


Very good morning