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Everybody – everybody – everybody!!!

TED reuploaded Jessica's TEDx talk to their Facebook page and it has been seen more than 227K times!  It is CRUSHING all the other videos they posted today!

Had to capture Jess's reaction for you.  We are both stunned as all get out, and trying to prepare for the influx of new brains into the community.

Please excuse our horribly messy house, we just got back from the Costa Rica trip (for the ADHD and dogs episode!) and Jess has been sick AND has a sprained wrist.

Also – ADHD.  Just saying.

You guys are amazing because YOU MADE ALL OF THIS POSSIBLE.  I am cutting material for the show right now, Jess is working on a new script, and we are NOT sitting here going, "How are we going to eat while we do this?"



Jessica's Reaction to being on TED's Facebook page

Jessica and I just found out our TEDx talk was re-uploaded to TED's Facebook page about three hours ago. It's been seen about 227k times, and been shared more than 1700, and is outperforming all the other videos they posted today. Also please excuse our house and general appearance, we just got back from the Costa Rica trip (to film dogs, coming soon) and Jess has been both sick and has a sprained wrist. ALSO - you know - ADHD. AGHHHHHHHHHHH!!! YOU GUYS!!!


Jordan Kerbis

Congrats! Thank you so much for all the work you put in towards making the world a more ADHD-friendly place!


If it wasn't for TED I wouldn't have found you guys! And I'm so glad I did! Wasn't fair, though! I started crying while I was watching it at work today... I had to close the office door and everything. Needless to say I binge watched your episodes since I've gotten home, and am now a patron. Being a part of a community like this could make a major difference for me!


Welcome to the tribe! Have you found the discord server yet?


It's not connecting me, I think the Discord bot isn't working for some reason, I already messaged her about it :)


It took me 2 hours to finish the 16 1/2 minute video. With my meds. The good part is how much I actually accomplished with the video on pause.

How to ADHD

Hey, I'm impressed you came back to it! If I don't finish a video I'm never seeing it again 😂


Just discovered you via a friend sharing the ted talk ... have not finished the video yet... but heard so much truth that I had to come patreon immediately!!!! (Adhd and still failing college after 20years, ruined credit and manic spells like you would not believe) ... after the Sonoma County Fires last week I have a desperation to be organized and purge... amd don't know where to start ... this just spoke to me so I'm going deep on all your posts!!!!

How to ADHD

aww thank you for coming to support!! I'm going to have to take extra days off work to catch up with all the messages from people who saw the talk so it *really* helps! Come join us on Discord if you haven't already and feel free to message me there :D


I am not sure how to do that, but I have joined and I am trying to get going on discord- my name is hmg38


Oh my goodness! I relate so much! That is exactly how I act when I'm stressed or overwhelmed or have too much I'm trying to remember at once.


My kids have been seeing a therapist for over a year now, and she has mentioned a few times that my they are showing signs of ADHD. I was resistant at first and then I watched more closely, and there it was. Then I saw the TED talk, and realized. That's me! "Has so much potential if she'd just try harder and stay on task." is the title of my life. 20 years ago, I went through 2 years of therapy where they diagnosed me with everything but ADHD. Nothing helped. I am so grateful for you and your YouTube channel. I finally am starting to feel like I wasn't just born wrong. I'm looking forward to getting help through therapy and learning tools, and just learning to start to accept me for me. Thanks again.

How to ADHD

wow, that's amazing! I'm glad it helped you relate! The challenges that come with ADHD are so so treatable, and I try to emphasize the strengths as well because like I said in the talk, it's easy to forget about them when we're focused on our weaknesses. Welcome to the tribe!!!


My mother came to me now way over a year ago with an article (in Danish, im Norwegian so no biggie there) written about this guys sister, her and the family's struggle and how they found out she had adhd. All mum said to me was read it, I clicked the link and then got distracted and didnt read it for a few days, but after i did.. that was just the story of my life! (Microfocus in chaos, starting and NEVER finishing projects at least not on time and after the deadline is done why even finish at all why even start if you know you wont do it well enough....) okay anyway from there I got in touch with my GP...got a referral... am diagnosed with adhd at 25, im getting meds and feel them work. And the absolute BEST part.. after going for what feels like yeeeears butting my head against a wall trying to deal with my life and work and being happy.. I have finally gotten the recognition that im not healthy enough to be full time employed (i have Fibromyalgia too) i have been through mooonths of charting and explaining and meetings and it has paid off, im getting disability. I dont have to think about if my pay check will last to the end of the month. I can save money. I dont have to say YES to every tidbit of hours at work and work so much that i can only sleep and cry at home. And i also feel like i have a community of people who understands me and my brain(amd maybe my body too). Which is probably the best thing to have for someone who feels so alone in their head. So Thank you! And thank you to the other Patroners for making it possible~ .../epic rant. TL;DR thank you all for making this community, my life feels like its coming together and about to start properly. 💜💙💚