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Hey there brains!

Edward here – Brett had a LOT of great things to say, and we couldn't fit all of it into the episode, so here is some more.  :)

Obviously, this is a rougher cut than normal, but Jessica has told me you guys don't mind a bit of rough around the edges for Patreon content *hides eyes, runs away*

Brett will be in the comments at the YouTube page for a little while – if you post a question there, he might answer it!

BUT – do Brett a favor and post your question on YouTube. That way he doesn't have to keep switching between windows to read everything. :)

Big hugs!



PATREON | Exclusive! Extra Goodies with Brett Thornhill

Some amazing stuff that we didn't quite have room for in the newest episode –  PLUS – Brett will be in the comments below to answer some of your questions!!


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