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Hi there, brains!

Edward here – just wanted to post this first recording Jessica made of a song she's working on.  I believe the title is "I'm Nervous about Writing Songs."

This is literally her first recording, made just after she finished the lyrics.

Big hugs! 




Hello Patreon Brains! This is Jessica's first recording of her first song ever!



You ask for help writing songs? My daughter had issue writing about what she read in a book when she was in elementary school. If I asked her the question on her homework she could tell me right off the top of her head. The issue was getting what she thought and could say about the book onto paper or word form. My solution was a micro-cassette recorder. I would ask her a question recording her verbal answer. Then play it back so she could write it down.


Try what I learning in English class. Write down what is in your mind on paper. Then re-write it again on paper, repeat the steps. You would be surprised how different the first version was from the third. Write down your thoughts one day, come back to it another day. Look at songs that are out there, break down the songs you like. There is a beginning, middle and end with a chorus in between. Let you creativity flow, do not set out to write a song in one sitting. Did you know that Steven King threw away his notes on the book Carrie, and his wife found it in the trash and read them. She gave them back to him and said you are on to something. She encouraged him to push further. If that was your first song it was good. We know you can do it, now you have to know you can do it. I airbrushed the eagle that I use for my profile picture. I can tell you every flaw in it, can you? We are our worse critics.


Awww Jessica! I really like it! The message is clear, delivered with humour, it's encouraging and it's relatable. You did good! ❤️


Guess what... you just wrote a song! There is no arbitrary measure of what constitutes a song and what doesn't. In country music they say a song is "Three chords and the truth". If you've applied paint to a canvas (on purpose), you've made a painting. If you've put words and music together, you've written a song... the rest is just style. CONGRATULATIONS!!!


Oh this is so fun! Thanks for sharing- it really made me smile!


Your beautiful first song (which was so well written!) helped me because I'm learning something new. Thank you, Jessica!!!