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Hello Brains & Hearts! 

I’m BACK! From maternity leave! In case you missed it — I had a baby!

The team did an incredible job while I was gone, and now that I’m back & ready to create new content we’re firing on all cylinders.

We’re even making time for — gasp — pre-production!

Which means the videos will be more creative, and more educational, than they’ve been while I was working on the book…and pregnant…and on maternity leave…yeesh. It is SO good to be back!

Look for some exciting new content soon! In the meantime…


Thank you so much to everyone who voted in this month’s poll! ADHD and Emotions will be cut down into a series of Shorts that will hopefully be found by those who need it… and by our existing community who perhaps need a reminder… or need something short and sweet to share with their loved ones about a struggle they have. Click here if you wish to review the poll!


We hope you all have continued to enjoy the sneak peeks of how some things look behind the scenes as we work on them and some of these deleted scenes that never made it into the main videos! Didn’t get to see May’s video? No worries! Click here to watch May's behind-the-scenes video! 

Brain Board

It was great seeing and talking to everyone at Brain Board this month! If you’re new here, Brain Board occurs the last Saturday of every month at 2PM Pacific / 5PM Eastern / 11PM Central European, unless you’re Australian, in which case it’s the Sunday immediately after the last Saturday of the month at 7AM AEST. 

Missed this one? No worries, the recordings are always available, and we hope you can make the next one! Click here to watch May’s Brain Board live stream! 

  • Jessica is back part-time! Woooooo! Welcome back, Jessica! We missed you! 

  • Harley built a Social Media Content Library and Calendar on Asana (our project management system) to help us (well… and them!) manage our Social Media more consistently in the near(ish) future! 

  • Speaking of systems, when you have so many content ideas and videos to release, there are a TON of moving parts! There’s Pre-Production. Production. Post-Production. But our Producer worked super hard on a super awesome pipeline in Asana that helps him (and us!) keep track of moving Production parts, and it’s a big reason why we’ve been able to get Shorts (and Instagram Reels!) out so consistently over the last few weeks!!! THREE CHEERS FOR OUR PRODUCER, EDDIE, AND HIS TEAM! HIP-HIP-HOOORAAAYYY!!!

This Month’s Featured Video
How to Cope with Rumination: Don't Feed the “Demon” (Default Mode Network)

Click here to watch May’s featured video!

Other Video Releases

YouTube Short Releases


Jill Kadtke

I am so excited that you feel good coming back. I hope you never felt pressured to, but we are so excited to have you back. Please promise you won't overdo it and you'll go slow. You mean so much to all of us and we want you happy and feeling good more than we want great videos because, let's face it, they are always amazing. ☀️💛