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How I say in this version was only some bugfixes and things what many people want. And next version should be final version, with empress, end of story and etc. :)
And end is near
On current moment finished:
Empress dialogue ..... 100%
Empress battle .......... 100%
Final scene .................. 100% - 29 april updated
End of story ................ 30% -  29 april updated
Fixing all bugs ............ 40%  - 23 april updated  

So, I think that here was only few weeks to finish this huge part of cinematics and all will be done :3
You can play in v0.35c here:




I searched and I found no answers so I will ask this. Is this your own made music or is is from a site which offer free music?


You won't be adding the inn keeper? :c


Lol This is your game? I once played this via browser and read about the patreon request at the end of the demo. It was pretty good but I couldnt find it again.


:D look at the date :D Also you can download the normal version, it is under this "joke" version ;)


I already did it :D Thanks You are all awesome

Sajtos Stangli

Very nice special scene. Will there be more?


Nope :) in final I will add only a empress h-scene and that's will be all, and game will be finished, and I will join to my team in Lorain developing

John Hendricks

got to the dialog about the amulet but it won't let me progress past "don't have anything valuable enough"


Yes. I am having the same problem.

Sajtos Stangli

About the amulet problem. With my old save it doesnt worked for me too. The conversation stucked at "dont have anything valuable enough". But i started a new game, had the same talk, rest a day than go back to her. Another dialog appeared and i had the special scene. Hope it helps something :)

Sajtos Stangli

Well maybe your character is more loyal and dont want to cheat on the fox girl.

John Hendricks

tried the new game thing as well and nothing

Sajtos Stangli

Maybe try this: do the same as i said earlier just after you talked with her click on "forward" ( its in somewhere in the taskbar or whatever its name). Than it going to drop you at the death scene. Then go back to the inn, rest a day go back to map and visit the inn again. If its go smooth you going to get the "you really want that medal" dialog or something like that.

Terren Huang

how do i get the "special"

Jacob Williams

So is there a reason that Level 10 in the magma tower is not operational if the battle with her is completed?


I tell about this in all previous posts shortly - to prevent spoilers.


i downloaded it and I still don't see anything at the magma level 10 it just says "animations" =( meep

Jacob Williams

yeah, i just commented on that yesterday, all they told me is that it's there to prevent "Spoilers"


I can't wait to see the new scene raise your hand if you agree =D


Also every one name off their favorite minion? Mines the vampires


Error in both links.


I get a warning from Windows defense if want to use the exe.

Deante Britton

Stuck at nothing valuable enough to buy it. Making the game go forward does nothing.

Nathan Bailey

Just encountered an issue for the first time. Game keeps freezing right after i land the final hit on the water tower boss. Played through once, but after closing the game the saves were deleted, so tried saving to file and code, nothing helps. Only other thing i could think of is that im at a much lower level than before.

Nathan Bailey

ok, mainly want to know if only im running into these issues, but im finding a few. Im running the .swf file in firefox. -on a few playthroughs, got the amulet talk fully in garden tower. reappears later (water and earth tower area), and fails to get past the "you have nothing valuble enough" -I seem to be invincible. whenever i reach 0 hp, i freeze, no bars move, but i can still interact with the game, including running from battle. running lets me continue playing. -and the last recurring thing, maybe tied to other things i've encountered. I seem to be invincible in the naga fight, to the extent that her attacks heal me. the game then freezes once i win, but on the times she can hurt me, it still freezes. Its a great game, dont get me wrong, but im currently unable to reach any further progress due to the naga freeze, and am looking for ideas. running the .exe also didnt help.


So is there going to be no sex with the inn keeper girl?


Kinda late to the party, but I wish there was an option to make the Player Character a Herm/futa. Though I'm not sure how hard that would be to implement.


Agree it is a great game, my save won't let me progress to the naga fight. I win level 9 but level 10 never shows up for some reason.

Nathan Bailey

The water temple never has a floor 10. The naga seems to be a random appearance at any other floor in the dungeon, not entirely sure what triggers it. Ive fought on floor 9 for a while with just regular fights, ive had the naga appear as soon as i've unlocked floor 9, ive had the naga appear when i went to floor 5, so i dunno. But i have yet to try again to see if the fight still freezes at victory or not.


I can't seem to download either EXE or SWF "It looks like something went wrong. Unable to open document. Please try again later." It takes me to Yandex and I can't do anything from there :(


Lovely game Perfect animations, awesone graphic Only bug witch I found when I use healing spell lvl 5 - and I have mp 600+ The mana bar is not scaled properly Waiting for Final boss ^^ and more amulet adventures? xD

Austin Small

Im still confused on how to do the amulet thing :O

Silver Woof

I also love vampire, second favorite bunny girl, but they are all good I think


good answers all around =D who is everyone's favorite boss? I like the sex scene with the cyclops chick a lot but I have to give it to the Naga I think shes hot.


is there anything that happens if you complete the long input to talk to the snake lady


Hey found a bug to warn ya about when you get to the "Magma Tower" the witch at the very bottom wont die in 1 shot from "Wide Slash" like the other 2 so you have to hit it 1 more time with any attack.


Thanks! :3 Amulet is a one of main part of story, so you can say that this is all story about amulet adventures ;) I will check this mana bar problem :) I still do it :) Close to finish but not sure how much days it will take, some parts of animations very, very hard for me to be done and take crazy amount of time, but I still do my best :33


Yes, you will get shadow achievement, and that's all, so, here will be nothing except achievement if you do that ;)


Try downloading files that is attached to this post, not by link, hope this will solve your problem ;) if not - write to me in private message


I seen some troubles with victory on water tower boss, but I fix something and I think that this is was solved already, please write if it not, I will check it again, more quickly, or I will check it again after I fully finish the game ;)


Cyclops hands down. And favorite minion would be.. Satyr.


For some reason I was able to download it now! Thanks <3


oh and when you fuck the Naga the pussy doesn't look very good you should have added animations for just below the skin line as well (you don't have to. People will probably not notice that only part of it is moving )


Are the saves supposed to disappear after you restart your computer? If so, I guess I'll have to make sure to make a save to a file first before restarting next time. :( Fun game btw!

Nathan Bailey

just played through, at least the swf still freezes right when i kill the boss. i didn't save anything, and have always had to play from scratch, and the game works fine up until then. i also didn't test if losing to anyone else still froze the game on my end


Sometimes browsers can clean cookie files, so please, save your game progress into file or into savecode ;)


where re you octopussy, i miss you :l xD


I just want to say I was very surprised. I played your first game and just wrote you off as another dev with half assed art trying to make a quick buck with animated tits. However, I feel ashamed after having played this game. You are truly one of the most dedicated people for xxx entertainment on this site, and I give you MAJOR props for this fantastic little title.


cant wait for final update just LOVE the game the story the way u play it. its like a semi RPG hentai game just love it keep up the good work :D


I'm here! )) Just wait few days, game is near to be fully done, I update info in this post as freq as I can, you know that I don't want to show you all that final stuff until it not be finished, because I want to show full story to all, and this final part of game - empress battle, empress dialogue, final scenes - is a big part of one story and I don't want to show it until it not be finished to prevent spoilers :'c


Now I can count how much time I need. Final version will be finished near to 5 days :)

cory coates

only issue i find is that when i go to do the inn keeper, it stops letting me continue the conversation. other than that im like everyone else waiting for the new ending and boss. level 150, i need friends, but i love the game man. keep it up and keep us updated. maybe implement a little more dialog with the fox woman, gets pretty stale. but still love it man.

Michael Laws

ok so i might be a tard, but I have a text save and its not letting me load it.

Michael Laws

so does this mean i have to beat the whole game all over again?


Send savefile to me that I can check it, also this is not last post with that game, you lucky that I found your comment)