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Guys! I finished all frames of comicses!!
I finally finished them - the last 14 frames
And now the all this thing that I can't do for the last 2 years, the thing that was stopping me so hard, I finally finished it, for the just last 3 month.
For this month I drawn all 56 frames that I have need to finish the whole 2 years

Here is last pixelated screen of last 14 frames that I finished

Yeah, there is a bit more than 14 frames but I not count all for the one frame because some of them less detailed

With that all 56 frames was finished, and now I need to animate comicses

I already started to animate most difficult of them, the comic and scene for the Lust Ending

There is a bit teasing for you what will be in this animations for comic without big spoilers:

Also we started to try fix the problem with different languages, when text is going out of the textbox bounds, now we will try do them resizible by text size

And yes, during this month I not drawn a special sexy picture for you

But I will draw it tomorrow, I will draw it with stream on in my discord!



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