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I have done this again...

I will duplicate the same that I written in discord, but I will add/change some words to describe situation better


It can't continue like that, progress not moved even by inch

Guys, I was made a mistake, I let you down, I screwed it

Honestly for the whole this three months after new year I was do only few new emojis for server, few concepts about next game that I planned, but I wanted to show them when I'll do more of them, but now it not matter for me at all, picture for valentine's day, and less than 30% of lamia art for her animation and that's all!!

I tried a way that worked before, the way that allowed me to do at least something

As you can see I often overruned my mental fear to come back to project I can't finish by additional animations and other stuff, doing them I just can do Lorain little by little, nothing other not worked good for me But somehow it not worked this time and lamia animation just wrecked me, it just laid down at the top of the mountain of unfinished promises

And now I'm here, I failed it all guys.

So I decided to do a special move, I will try to fix at least something by it

Honestly, Lorain ready by 98-99% (exclude bugfixes), I just can't finish last few frames and animations/transitions for comices, all other works fully, it's done, I just can't finish the endings

When one of the pleasant discord members at previous year said to me that no need to say promises that you can't fullfill, I was agree with him and I agree with him now about that and will agree in the future, the thing in the other, I already knows that there is not much need to finish all this, I just... can't finish this last steps, like, I dunno how to describe, just can't!! it a simple thing, this is just a pictures, I can draw a decent picture for just a 2 hours, animation for 8-12 hours!! It's just 3-5 days for me to finish last things about Lora!!

And when I was not possible to just finish the Lamia animation (even picture for it)... ugh... It's like you have legs with which you can't walk.

So, I decided to do a special move - I will do a stream at my discord for you guys, for the whole 10 days (or more) I will do the thing, it no matter for me anymore that here will be spoilers or etc. I need to finish this, it exhausted me, I can do a lot of other stuff, but Lorain takes too much my time for nothing, my mind trying to joke me and do anything other instead of Lora.

I like the Lorain project, and Lorain was not bad project, here is not any reason for me to blame it for anything, just a lot of things happen in wrong way during her development, I will take in account all results of all this shitty situations for future projects to not being fucked up, so, I just want to finish it to her be done finally

Guys, I will try my very best to finish it all during the stream, I hope that you still believe in me!

Also here I want to show a bit spoilers about future game that I want to create, it just... I want to show anything that I done during this 3 months

This is few concepts for characters of next planned game:

And in the header of the post I shown lamia with which I wanted to do the animation about which I written in the post, here is concept and current picture of sex animation with she:

Full animation will be soon, I already rigged animation today, so all that left is to animate it ^^




Oh dear....it's good that you recognise this problem and have thought of a solution, I hope that this does go well. Though may I suggest that if it doesn't that you hire someone else to finish it for you or move on to other bits and do it last? Hope I'm not being too much with my suggestions......still need to join the discord whoosp.


It does! ^^ As I said I already near to finish the lamia animation - the thing that I can't start for the whole 20 days, so it was already helps me a lot, also knows that people still believe in me helps me a lot too ^^ And to hire someone who can finish this for me - I already have two helpers, my teammates, and they already finished all with which they can help, for the last things they not have enough skills and knowledge, so it should be done only by me, and also if this will do someone from the side - I think I will not have enough money to buy all what I need to finish it ^^" And style can be different, this will looks bad, so I can account only on myself. But not need to worry, as I can see now this is not impossible, I already started to climb out of that pit! And this is good suggestion! But I really left only things that only I can do ^~ (ending comicses, fixing dialogues for them, transitions and animations in comics, thats all what left) About discord - it will be nice! ^^ In discord I answer and do activity much often ^^ On patreon I post mostly final products, events or packs during the month


Good to hear that you've seemed to consider what I've said already a bit. I also joined the discord and was busy whenever I noticed you working on it.....but I have seen the video you left up and it looks great, I can tell you've definately improved since the early days of Suzumia and Star Wars ;P PS did you know that you can link Patreon to the Discord server to automatically change people's roles so no passkeys are required?


Nice! ^^ Good that I improved in my animation skills... for this.. amount of years! xD I will burrow myself if I was not... xD Happy that you liked the animation with Lamia! ^^ NO! I not know that! It is possible now?? I'll try it!! Thank you for information!!