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Uh, oh, I miss all possible and impossible deadlines in this month :'c
I not sleep for last two days to finish this thing for you guys! Hope you will like it! :3
Thanks for your understanding in January T-T You all so cool!
In February, I promise, will be many content! Because I will be not so busy with my goverment and my teammates finally can take many stuff to do and unload me, so I will be able to create more stuff by myself :3. Aaaand, Because of all yoooour suppoooort, I finally can rent nice apartments near to my teammates!! :3 (Finally I go out from this place... I think someday I will show you place where I created all of these things x) )

But it not final version of cyclops battle stage, I will add 1 little cinematics, it will not take many time, because it is not so big like all this animations.
Aaaaand look! we left only this things to finish the game! :33
-1 little cyclops cinematics
-1 secret thing
-Empress battle stage
-Final animation
And that it's all! :33 Again - we so close to finish tower! This all was able only because of all your help, guys! Thanks to you!

New version v0.35 uploads:

v. 0.35 - Main updates in this version:
  • Created sprites and animations for boss dialogues and battle stage
  • Created and integrated dialogues with cyclops boss
  • Created battle stage with cyclops boss
  • Created big h-animation with cyclops boss
  • Fix of red sphere part when you kill Fox boss (earlier hero was not have it after game say to him that he got part of sphere)
  • Fixed overpowered creatures on high levels on hard mode, also now high level players will get much more stat points, when you enter the game with old save maybe you will get crazy amount of status points, so this is normal.


  • Cyclops not fully fixed, she was just added, so maybe may happen bugs with she
  • I know about bug with dessapearing "button" cursor, I already trying to solve it! ;)




this is amazing work as always however you should always consider your health and safety before the project, because putting too much strain on yourself is no better than not doing enough progress. also is there any hints for the secret thing? if it is a cameo of a certain character and who i think it is i'd be very pleased.


is it ok to get 120 Sp when you win 9lvl magma tower?


im pretty sure there is a bug in the exp reward system because each time I finish a fight in the cyclops tower I recieve around 30 skill point and the more I lvl up the more I get skill points per fight at floor 9 of magma tower I would recieve around 300 skill points. I was so OP I three striked the naga boss.


Will there be any gameplay updates? On its own it's actuall well done. But after the tree boss you are doing the same thing over and over. I wish it would develop.


Nope, in this game will not be more gameplay upgrades, maybe with empress you will feel bit different gameplay through fight, but on empress this game will be finished and we will start another game, and between the updates of big game I will create some minigames and animations :) this is a plan :)


Game counts that you will get 9 magma in really end )) so after 9 magma you should fight with empress instead of naga! xd Of course I will check it and if all normal then I will left it like it now :3 also you should get many SP after launch v0.35 and fight somewhere, game will recount your SP, with current changings, I implemented this changes because players on hard level of difficulty was impossible to fight with monsters in magma and mythic towers in their game


But so much our patrons count on me! T-T I want to make all what I can for them! Yes, maybe I work all 2-3 days with night and be really tired, but after - all I'm and Patrons will be happy! :33 Anyway I think my new teammates can take some work for them, so I will be little more free :) The secret thing iiis a... A secret! )) It will be in updates between 0.35b-d versions, after moment when I insert the achievements into game :) and, yes, this secret will please some people who really wanted to see this in game x) To save this in secret I will Not say anything more about it ;3

Michel Nichols

So real quick. How in the hell are you supposed to achieve the talk combo with the naga??! I have tried and tried and I just can't input the keys fast enough. Also what happens if you do complete it? REALLY REALLY curious!!!


If you enter it - you will get nothing, this talk combination created like impossible combination which you can't enter no matter how you much try to do that, also I hear that some persons already enter this combination, so I think I will add secret achievement which should do nothing too :) just achievement about you enter this crazy and impossible thing xdd


How do you load your previous game data, I have high lvl guy on v 0.34 d. Or do I have to restart?


Go to your old version and save to code. Then copy that code (make sure you get all of it, ctrl+a is best) then use the load from code option in v0.35 and it should load.

Cyril Vaxx

Keep up the great work! Love all your games. :) Also, only $464 left to the next goal milestone! I don't think it will take long.

The Retard

Found a little bug, if you don't dodge the cyclops attack she freezes mid attack and you can't do anything but restart the game


I can tell that your native language isn't English. I'd be happy to volunteer if you want somebody to correct grammar for you at all!


I'm not sure if he's looking for editors, but letting him know any existing typos or mistakes is always helpful!


I both hate you and love you for that. I tried to get that combo so many times! Haha

Silver Woof

not judging the grammar mistakes (my grammar is terrible in other languages), but I actually find the mistakes endearing, almost a part of his style. Maybe I just like it because languages interest me, so sometimes I try to guess his native tongue from the way the English is written, still not sure what it is though XD


the exe. one doesnt work


Ok so I tried the game in hardmode again. and when I loaded my old save there were no extra skill points and then when I tried to fight the enemies in the volcano tower it was still way to strong. I then tried a new game I found that the game seemed harder from when I had first played through it. The scaling might or might not be different but it is still quite unfriendly to be playing through.


how open magma lvl??


Magma not opened for you? How it can be? can you give to me your savefile? I will check what is happened


You got to get both red jewel fragments. One you get after beating cyclops in mythic tower. The other i forgot haha. I think you get after completing a previous tower. After you get both fragments of the red jewel take them into town and click on the house in town right above the fountain. Talk to the elder of the village several times and he will combine the jewel for you.


I'm having the same problemhl102he1084915hstp0hs268hdm353hmh1242hh1151hmm525hm525hde170hcmb161hnxt1091325hsc0hhc0hdec0hcmc0hdmc0htai10htea10htwa9htfi10htfo10hskd5hskh5hskc5hskt5hsca5hsst33175hmon60964hbbe1hhpb7hmab7hcub1hpeb5hper644ttlSls3bschim2bsfoxT2bsfoxH1bsnaga2bscyclo1bsempr0msslim2msfair2msalra2mshols2mscat2msbunny2msliz2mskap2mssco2mscent2msharp2mssat2msvamp2mssucc2mswitch2hrdlvl100aboutShop1aboutHouse1aboutPlace1aboutPeople1aboutHelp1aboutSpherePiece4aboutTownHelp1aboutChimeraVictory1aboutPricesRising1aboutFoxGirl2aboutBook4heroHaveSphere0heroWasInTower1heroTurnBack1heroUseFountan1heroHaveOnePart1heroHaveTwoPart1heroHaveGarden1heroHaveAir1heroHaveFire1heroHaveWater1heroHaveEarth1heroWinGarden1heroWinAir1heroWinFire0heroWinWater1heroWinEarth1heroWasInTown1foxAlive2foxInHome1foxTalkAboutStay0foxClothed0loveOfFox100aboutWhere1aboutTowers1aboutAllGirls1aboutMinions1aboutSpheres1aboutEmpress2aboutBook4aboutClothes1firstSex1foxHaveClothes1showTips1tipMapT1tipTwn1tipTavern1tipHome0tipTow1tipBattle1tipChim1tipMgScr1tipGal1octaShowed1cyclopsNo0OldCharA36bnCh0coCh0achAA1achAB0achAC0achAD0achAE0achAF1achAG1achAH0achAI0achAJ0achAK0achAL1achAM0achAN0achAO0achAP0achAQ0achAR0


you get the other half in the earth tower also i have a small problem with the water tower i was on the boss but lost and now i can't get to the 10'th level. :S


NVM i figured it out