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Oh, you all find so many bugs! :D Sadly that nobody say to us about much of them before x) because part of it was from start and we just not meet it :'c

So thanks to all who write us about bugs that they found! :33

We want to make our game much better! :3

Link on 0.34d:

Fixes and changings 0.34 :

  • Fixed water tower bug
  • Now cure potion removes all debuffs
  • Fixed fairy tongue bug
  • Improved translations
  • Fixed centaurus mass healing bug
  • Satyrs now more faster
  • Fixed prices in gallery
  • Now you can escape from xxx attack by pushing "X" button too

 Fixes and changings 0.34b : 

  • Flashing of space or "x" button
  • Dialogues with fox battle scene not dissapears after player push attack
  • Fixed - Fox Animation in gallery dissapear after player buy it and reenter the gallery 
  • Hero normal attack on Naga

  Fixes and changings 0.34с :  

  • Hero splash skill attack cast time decreassed by half
  • "Spoiler": invisible fox girl now not meet you at home after you earn your house
  • Skill soul capture cast time decreased
  • Fixed sounds of bunnies and fox girl in prebattle scene
  • Fixed dialogue clouds with fox, now they are less disturbing ;)
  • "Spoiler": Now you can't hit fox girl when she trying to leave battle
  • Fixed fox girl, now she will cast spells sometimes (it hurts!)
  • Fixed exit button from defeat by fox girl animation
  • Fixed exit to menu button, now you do not accidentally exit to the main menu by pressing this button ;)
  • Bit fixes with xxx animations
  • Now you need to sleep in rented room to recover your hp/mp

  Fixes and changings 0.34d : 

  • Bit fixes in translations
  • Bit fixes in animations 
  • Bit fixes in buttons
  • Tried to fix issue with white screen before sex scene (if you still have this issue please write to me how you get it! :) also this issue can come like double activated sex scene - 1 enemy can dissapears when this happen, but you still can hit she. (Often happened with lizards and bunny girls)

If you get message about you not have program to open this file try this:

You can launch all our games through any player which can open *.swf files, for ex: flashplayer, kmplayer, potplayer. Also you can try drag *.swf file into browser, this often solves this problem ;)
Also we compile this version in *.exe format just for you ;)




Uhm, Excuse me, I didn't test it on v0.34 but is normal that when you "kill" Chimera and then run away, you get exp and money?I mean, I don't mind..."Free EXP and Money" but you know..FAIRNESS(?) Either way, "Fox girl" boss disappears from my gallery(first one of the two)-(I'm new, there's a place to put"reports"? xD) Sorry again, also Love the game! owo


Yes, It's normal, because on Hard difficulty battle with chimera can be extremely hard, so, each time you beat chimera you will earn 2000 exp, so you can kill chimera, not kill tree, try again to kill chimera and etc. but also you can grind on previous floors too ) At this moment - put reports under last posts ;) This easier to me look reports in this way :) So! How do you make this? How you make fox to dissapear? :)


Something I have managed to come accross with version 32k on hard mode that once I do all options with fox girl in talking at house there is no way to quit out as some options stay. Also during the fight against fox girl I found that the text was annoying when I was atucally fighting it to beat it as the text reappeared after each move once I started talking.

Tuan Truong

excuse me but how do i play your games ?


You can launch all our games through any player which can open *.swf files, for ex: kmplayer, potplayer. Also you can try drag *.swf file into browser, this often solves this problem ;)


Only in 32 version? Or you meet this bug in this version? Because I already check it in this version and all good with fox dialogues :O


Download link seems to be broken. At the very least it is not allowing me to download this version for whatever reason.


Do not know why it not working for you :O But I now attach file to the post, try download file from here, from post :)


Will there be more levels in the future?


like other towers? No, in game will be only 5 towers with bosses, after we finish this game we will start new ;)


I wouldnt mind being a Patron, but there is no Mac ver of this game.


Hi pledged today, had some fun. 2 things. 1. Level 10 does not seem to appear in the water tower, instead it's level 9 that gets the no animation few. 2. I know only the eart and forest tower got a boss, but after completing the earth boss, when i click level 9 (hidden lvl 10) on water level, i am able to redo the earth boss. Over and over and over.


Naga -water boss will attack you randomly when you enter 7-9 floors of water, water tower not have 10 floor So after you fight with earth boss you can fight with she again through water tower? Or I not understand something?


on mystyc and magma towers i get ANIMATIONS screan and the conversation text bar the message hello world is it kuz the game is not finished or is it a bug for me?


I found out how it works for Mac, since Macs dont really open SWF flies, you have to open them with Googlechrome or safari, then the game works.


Well the water tower still doest work for some reason, once you beat it, you cant go back to it, it keeps taking you to other towers.


how do i open the version of the game it says that i need a support panel '[ PLEASE HELP


files of this type cannot currently be previewed


Where you try to open it? And what you use? PC, Mac, or some kind of tablet?


im getting same problem when i click it it doesn't let me tells me i can still download it and i am using a pc


So you can't download it? Try to download file which attached to this patreon post, and if you still have problem then write again, then we will start think what to do with downloads


what is it supposed to run on it is saying i don't have the program to run it is saying don't have a program to run it i have flash installed is their another program i need


You can launch all our games through any player which can open *.swf files, for ex: flashplayer, kmplayer, potplayer. Also you can try drag *.swf file into browser, this often solves this problem ;)


At this moment I trying to find all bugs about which all you writed here and trying to fix it :3 few hours later I will update version at this post to 0.34c ;)


how can i earn souls?


You need to use soul capture skill (white flames) in battle, for each use of skill you will get 1 soul


Where are the bosses of witch and volcano towers? are they are not done yet or its just lagging for me?

John Hendricks

will there be any animations with the shopkeeper or is she just there to tease us?


Updated, I hope this update solved many bugs :)


Will the gameplay see some improvements? Like buying new swords or new skills? Honestly it got somewhat repetitive after the sand tower since you are always doing the same thing. It's still more fun than any other h-game lol


So not sure if this is a bug with download but when I load it up it has for option that say shop and when I by pass it not all the button functions work. any idea why?


thank you now i can play the game and i will support you


how do u beat the water tower it seems there a bug


At beginning I want to create some of this stuff, like buying weapons, buying skills in game... but after I think that no need in that for this game :) Because this is not totally jrpg, not totally a story, I created this game, with a focus on h-content. Of course finally after I create this game we with team starts to create another games. And final game about DL universe be much more like JRPG type (No, we will not do it in the RPG maker like much others, we want to make it in the Unity xd) but I not know how much time it will take for us to come for this type of game! :O Because before we want create many other games: About temple thief girl (Secret tomb) - action platformer About awkward situation - mini quest game Wrong mermaid - mini action game The umbra - big date sim/stealth sex game Rise of dark lord - big action platformer game Amour - arcade where you need to hold position at barrikade vs perverted students which want to have sex with you Labyrinth of nightmares - labyrinth type game where you need to collect some stuff to open next levels and open much history or something like that One game of runner type (we not create name for this game yet) Extrasensorial love - arcade in which a school boy wants that girl he loves - to fall in love with him Office troubles - arcade about office troubles xd And finally - Revenge - last part of DL universe :3 So gameplay in this game will still be that how it is at this moment, but we will create many more games that you might like too ;33


At this moment is problem in game, I'm sorry about that T^T I'll fix it in few hours!


Naga fight fixed, now you can normally fight with naga! :)


the water tower sends me the whole time to the garden tower and if i reload and first play another tower like the mythic tower then afterwards i play water tower it sends me to the mythic tower and with the magma tower i have only stage 1 but i clicked at the water tower stage 9 and went to the magma tower stage 9


This happens on last 0.34c version? If yes, please, xiaoci, send to me your savecode, I will check how it works with your code ;)




Yes, now I see the problem, I will try to solve it ;) Also finally I find problem with xxx battle scenes with lizards.


the talk option with the long combo is very difficult but does the talk option do something actualy?


it wont let me do any water tower stuff




There's a weird figure in the bottom right of the magic scroll...What is that?


All what you see on magic scroll is a hero skills this skill is on the right edge of the skill panel with the same weird figure )) But I think if you play on easy you not need in this skill ;)


Heyo, just played your game on some random site before deciding I wanted to see more and donated. It was the best hentai game I've played since breeding season went under. That said, the only thing that was I really critical on was some of the translations. I'm compiling a list of suggested corrections if your interested. Keep up the great work!


Just small bugs but the water level 10 level boss won't appear for me as in the button to select level 10 but what does happen is that there's a chance that I'll be taken to the boss if I click level 8 or 9 and when I do fight Naga I keep trying to talk to her yes it is long but I know for a fact that I finished the combo press for the talk option yet the last button won't be pressed even though I know I pressed it with a little bit of time left is this intentional and the talk button supposed to be impossible to finish unless you have crazy fast typing speed like me? lol


I was about to post an almost identical comment to Macky, if you need help with any English translation correction I'm a pretty decent grammar checker. That said, I hope this game will go on unlike many projects that I've been interested in, many of them have great concepts then disappear (Breeding Season being one) In terms of game play I would like to see one little convenience based thing added, that being a potion to increase your ERO stat. I do have a few other ideas, but I won't ramble for too long. Cheers.


so im confused at the end of the magma tower and the mystical tower it just says hello world and has a thing that says animation


It's because these levels are not ready yet. They will be ready soon, stay tuned! :3


I'm sorta curious about the Naga talk option too. I tried putting some time down to actually hitting the keys in and memorizing them, but I didn't manage to pull them off in time. Is it actually supposed to be that hard to do, and if you do manage to pull it if, is there a "reward" to it ? :)

Kamil suchecki

When i'me getting killed by foxgirl i can't close the scene and savefile is getting corrupted

Jeffrey J Cardona

Getting a reoccurring bug which seems to happen when either I get into an xxx scene with a monster before the vampire or when i get into an xxx scene with vampire. When the h-scene happens I still get hit by a vampire attack also and the monster I was suppose to be in an h-scene with disappears and moves continue but the action bar doesn't go away. Also my health keeps draining and pleasure meter drains. The bug has occured 4 times within 5 minutes of trying to make it happen in Magma tower. The 5th time my game froze with a bright white filter.


You also need to fix the description for the cure potion, it still says it doesn't cure defence debuffs. Also you should get someone to fix the grammar in the dialogues. I'm not saying that to be mean and I personally can understand what's being said, but it would help the presentation of the game if you did that.


In relation to what you're talking about, do you know any other good adult game projects to support on patron?


I found your game "Tower" & it liked me, so i registered at Patreon & became your patron. Unfortunately I meet a lot of bugs, here are some that really annoy: 1) Naga dialog - I quickly press the buttons in the hope to talk with her but all the time I see "DIE DIE DIE" or something like that. Sometimes it hangs. Is it possible to agree with her? 2) Hero escape bug will appears at the most inopportune moment. I meet it in the .exe very often. 3) You already know about water tower teleports. Sorry for my English knowlege & good luck. Love you and your cute character who invited me. ^_^

The Dayum Machine

These bugs that are in the game actually seem pretty small. I mean, the only bug I have is one when I start up the game, but only because I'm on a MacBook. Basically the bug is where there's audio, but a black screen, but going fullscreen then out again fixes it. Love the game by the way. Signed up as a patron for you. $5 was al I could afford though, wish I could give a little more :)


Hello, yep, talking to Naga is supposed to be very hard cause she is a killer and not very talkative though :)


Naga is a bloodthirsty killer, so she is not very talkative even if you try your best to talk to her :)


I experienced the xxx scene attack bug. The screen flashed and I'm just stuck in the fight. This happened on the first level of the Water Tower after I stole the enemy's soul to get their xxx scene. Halp.

Nikolas Ashlock

love the game... cant wait to see the game finished and to see what else you release... great work


Hello Box! This is problem what we still try to find! We find that this problems sometimes happens with lizard girl and maybe with bunny girl, I think we fix this in near few days! :)

Jacob Williams

does becoming a patreon unlock all the parts for the Tower of Light game? if wo how do i access the benefits?


in the water tower there in no floor 10


fox girl doesn't meet in room anymore? ....so where do we meet her ?!


Main gripe i have, is spells become pretty useless at higher levels, there is no way to spend souls either, because the spells are max levelled. The slash skill does almost no damage to monsters at lvl 175, and the heal spell heals less than 1/3 of the hero's HP (heals 750, out of 3000), and less than 1 enemy attack. Basically the only option is to grind until the hero can destroy everything without any spells at all since they do nothing.


If you don't kill her and she disappears in white smoke she meets you in the house to the left of the place where you buy stuff.


how do you battle the naga


Yes, because here is only 9 floors ;) try walk on 7-9 floors few times and you will get what you want ;3


the water tower is acting weird i try to go into one of the floors but it just puts me in a new tower and floor


Can you send your savecode to me? I already hear similar issue and in 0.34d what I upd now I tried to fix it, but anyway, can you send your savecode to me? :)


Game updated to 0.34d! :)


Cannot wait to see what the demon queen looks like.


Hello, I tried "The Tower" and the game is really good ! Well sadly the Magma tower made me grind a lot and I think the Defense stats is really good at the beginning but at the end, it's way better to invest in hp. :/ But Overall it's a good game and I hope you'll keep going this way ! Well, except the smiley in the dialog boxes. Sometimes I think they just... Break dialogs.


i love the game so far but i cant get passed the water tower as im trying to talk to the boss but! its too hard there isn't enough time to finish the sequence! i think there needs to be more time or less buttens to press... as right now its annoying me that i cant get the talk option when fighting the water tower boss.. also the talk option hardly pops up :/

Kamiko Soulight

I agree with fristen. Too many Arrow to press and not enought time for that.

The Dayum Machine

@Kamiko Soulight + fristen, as far as I can tell (after MANY tries), even if you do manage to talk to her, all it does is has her say the same as if she attacked you (i.e "DIE DIE DIE!", or "I WANT TO HEAR YOUR SCREAMS!"). As for the actual battle itself, if you're having trouble getting attacks in before she attacks you, you can do two things to help this: 1. Train yourself up, having a main focus on speed, damage, and defence. You can do this by either grinding XP on enemies you know you can beat, or by fully upgrading the soul steal spell at the inn (or the house if you've defeated/befriended the Fox Girl at Earth Tower), and then repeatedly chancing the spell on enemies in areas like the Magma Tower on the off chance it kills one of them, gaining high XP and soul power. 2. Go to save your game, but instead of saving in the game, click on "save to file". Select a location for your save, then find the file and open it in an application like TextEdit (Mac) or another application that lets you read and edit text. This is where it will seem confusing, but the code you see when doing this is the status and story progress of your hero, the stats coming first, then the story stuff further down. In order to change your stats you must do the following: - To change your level, change the number after "hl" (should be at the very top of the code) to a different number. This effectively changes your hero level in game, but doesn't affect other stats. - Now you know how to change your level, it's the same basic process to change your other stats: "hstp" is how many skill points you have, "hs" is your speed stat, "hdm" is your damage, "hmh" is your max HP, "hh" is how much health you have, "hmm" is your max mana, "hm" is how much mana you have, "hde" is your defence stat, "hcmb" is your combat level stat, "hnxt" is how much XP is required to go from your level to the next (100 for lvl 1 to 2 etc. and can be edited to make levelling easier). There are a few more after these that effect how much your stats grow without levelling, and how upgraded your skills are, but tinkering with them is not suggested as it proves to bug out the save, often locking you in a single tower. The next notable stat is "sst" which is your current soul power, shortly before the "hmon" stat, which is your money. The last two stats are "hper", which is your current arousal level (pink bar in battle, change to 1000 to set at max), and "Sls" which is how many souls you have to spend in the gallery (setting it to around 150 will give you enough to unlock all animations once you are able to). Ahead from the stat editing, there is all story stuff and what you've acquired. Changing the values beginning with "ms" (i.e "msslim" for slime girl) will make the monster's sex animation available for unlock. I wouldn't recommend messing with much more, but if you have beaten all bosses (Chimera, Fox Girl, and Naga), and want to fight them again, change "heroWinGarden" back to 0 (to make Chimera available to fight again), "heroWinEarth" (to make Fox Girl available to fight again), or "heroWinWater" (to make the Naga available to fight again). When you've finished editing your save file, save the changes you've made, and then go back into the game, this time clicking on "load from file". Find the file you edited (usually the default name will be "Tower save" followed by the time and date) and load it up. If done correctly, you should have an overpowered character to take on stronger enemies. I would recommend switching back after beating them though, as having high defence makes your arousal rise slower, making sex attacks hard to trigger. Being honest, I only ever edit this stuff to make myself weaker :3

Kamiko Soulight

I'm upper the Level 100, I can stay as long i will face the Naga boss, but if i see the talk option, i prefer use a peaceful way to end the fight, like fox girl. ^^


You think? :'c I add smiley only for hero expressions :O because player see all other characters in the game and their expressions, and only hero have not dialogue character, because it will looks not really good, and I want that player can feel that he is a hero :) You think I should change smiley on - *Hero smile* or another? Or just delete it? I think some hero jokes will be bit less understandable if I remove expressions :'c for example - dialogue with innkeeper, "Hero: Even if the demons will come here and start rape all people? ;D" it should sound like banter, and it should not sound as if the hero is surprised


Oh I already think to add something like achievement for those who can enter this unreal combination xD This combination is impossible :) and in game will be only 2 bosses with who you can talk :)


Whoa, Dayum! :D You find by yourself explanations to all inscriptions in savecode! :D It's really cool! :D Also, please don't modify hero level, I find in past week that if level of hero is near to 10000 then game can crushs every time when you trying do anything in battle :3 Use numbers only near to 1-10000, please ;3

The Dayum Machine

Yeah but as far as I can tell there doesn't seem to currently be a peaceful option for the Naga. I might be wrong, but I did 10 successful talk attempts in a row and got nowhere :L I agree that I'd prefer the peaceful solution though.


Not sure if these bugs have been mentioned or not, but here goes: Holstaurus' def seems to drop down to 0 after her team binding skill wears off. Poison effect while fighting multiple Scorpios seems to stack in both turns and damage. I'm taking 600dmg instead of 200 as the indicator displays, and the counter only drops by 1. I didnt notice a run button during Naga fight and i had no idea wtf i was doing. Probably not a bug, though, I might have not been looking hard enough. The Healing skill is not as effective once you pass 3K HP.

The Dayum Machine

I have no idea if those are bugs to be honest, but thats for Octo to decide. It doesn't seem too surprising that the Holstaurus defence drops as the team binding skill would be a drain on her. This explanation is probably not canon, but it makes a little sense. As for the poison, I guess specifically for the Scorpios it's supposed to stack that way, as I recall there being a note in the gallery about her being a dangerous enemy, I think because of the poison itself. There was a button that had the run symbol in the Naga fight, but I just assumed it was an evade button. As for the healing skill, I don't know why you'd want 3000HP anyway. High HP and/or defence means no sex scenes in battle :/


I was disappointed when it said "The perfect sucker" on the description for the animation of the vampire and turns out the animation is totally different. :(

Jake Pizorno

Still unable to access the boss of the Water tower. Level 10 does not open for me. I have beaten both Garden and Earth Towers, and have the .34d version.

Jake Pizorno

How do you fight the Cyclops, if you can?


They make it sound like she's a simple succubus. Wings, horns, tail. Maybe some really gnarly looking claws. But everything I've heard from the game itself points to it being a succubus.