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We have done a HUGE amount of work in this version, so we have created it for 2 weeks,  full list of changes can be read below. In the next update we will add fire tower, perhaps even a boss and a gallery.

Also with new version there can to appear more bugs, please, I can't found all bugs by myself! :c So if you found one, please let me know what is a bug and how you meet it!

Link on version 0.27: https://yadi.sk/d/5Gb4dUE4uY7U9 

Bug fixes in this version:

  • Some graphical optimizations, now game will be less laggy.
  • Fixed bug with escape bar when you start new sex.


  • Tavern room, scroll.
  • Added Scenes: Hero Defeated, Garden Tower Boss Battle, Dialogue and Sex.
  • Added Air Tower (Centaur, Satyr, Harpy)
  • Reworked battle system for boss battles.
  • Create dialogues module for boss battles.
  • Improved animations of Centaur, Satyr, Chimera.


  • Holstaurus now drain attack bar.
  • Now many monsters have chance to their debuffs to be landed on hero
  • We remove skill names from info cards, many monsters have more than 1 type of spell, so we will discriptions of monsters in bestiary what we make in game, it will be near upgrade scroll in future update.
  • We made mythic tower easier, earlier it was terribly difficult.

Yeah, that can sounds like "not too much updates", but all of these things take really much time, for example - every background take 4-7 hours from me, make boss battle and dialogue stages takes near ~18 hours from me (So this update came out so late), and add new tower takes near ~12-16 hours.All parts of game have really much details inside, and I try make all of these so fast how I can in my free time! :) And I really want to create a great game for all of you!! :3

We be late with this update!! New updates is near to Tower development finish, so we completely check all things. Now we can say with confidence - "Tower" will be fully completed in 1-2 months!

What we need to complete:

  • Add Fire Tower ( 4 days )
  • Add Gallery ( 5 days )
  • Add Bosses: Naga, Cyclops, Fox, Demon Empress (near 3-4 days on each boss)
  • Add story line things, we do not want to show spoilers, so we will show only amount of this things x) now we maked only 2 things, we need make we need to do more about 7. ( on each thing we spent near 3 days )
  • Make sounds: Mythical tower, Empress boss battle, Map music theme (that will do our musician, so I did't think he will take my time :) )
  • Add sounds (this will take near 10 days)
  • Try to add armour for monstergirls. (we not sure in that, but if we try to made it we will spent near 10 days too)

And thats all! We make really much for all time :3

Update with version 0.28 will be 13-14 september, with fire Tower, and gallery.




No nono you guys are going pretty fast for updates as for other h games they take years and more than a month or two before releasing an update of any sort. There's only really one other developer that says about progress more than you guys and they are doing it weekly as an aim even if they have nothing to show although they try to.


We are very happy to hear that we do our updates quickly enough. :) But in the future we can make them even faster! Now, our artist, writer and sound technician, sometimes helps me to create content. You've seen the work of the artist, for example, he has painted about 10 sprites for the characters! A sound engineer did sound for Star Wars xxx animation. As well as multiple audio tracks for the tower, but at this moment I can't add them to the game, the sound I will add at the end ;) In the future, when the "Octopussy" will be my main work I can improve my speed and new team members will help make upgrades and games faster and better! :)


I do wish though that more people knew about you......maybe trying to contact other developers might help?


Maybe, I've seen a few creators who have content was worse in quality than us, but they have greater than or the same like us amount of patrons. Maybe the key for success really much advertisement. Anyway after we finish "Tower" we want make advertisment action on other sites with demo version of tower :) And we try to buy some advertising spaces on some hentai-targeted sites. On this moment we show our game demos on hentai-foundry.com, newgrounds.com, furaffinity.net, e621.net, also we show some pictures on deviant art, and that's all, this is all resourses what I'm and my friends knows :) But I think this is great places, for ex.: hentai-foundry views of sparky - 11k, on newgrounds - 24k :)


hm not unoffical linemarvel forums? <a href="http://www.ulmf.org" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.ulmf.org</a> Or even try selling it for a low low low price on DLsite as then more people see them and can play them easier.


Oh, thanks for information, we try add to this forum our demo :) Also we hear about legends of crystal forum. And we already try sell our first game on Dlsite for low price ;) we will also sell full exclusive version (15$ patrons will can play into this version) of new game too, but now with normal price, because that will be fair :) Like 15$ patrons can early play in all exclusive versions of our games (because we will make censorship for DLsite, that takes time) and amazingly increase our growth, or people can buy exclusive versions for 12-17$ for each ~1-2 month later :)