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Finally I finished the background of village xdWhat in update?We have started to add storyline to the game. also we add Mythical tower (Fur Tower) in the game, Holstaurus must cast a spell of empathy, but she can't, because on that moment something work wrong in that part of code, so her spell will be added in next update :)  We also rework village and add potions to the game. Also now you can upgrade your skills when you stay the night in a tavern (also this will replenish your hp and mp, we delete ability to recover full hp after battle). 

Link to new version 0.24:


If you found bugs please write to us about it! 

Upd. 0.22: https://yadi.sk/d/ZePjTnGDtb9n7

  • Remastered village
  • Added mythical (fur) tower without boss (cat girl, holstaurus, bunny girl)
  • Little improved tavern dialogues
  • We began adding storyline
  • Added potions
  • Added possibility to upgrade skills

Upd. 0.23: https://yadi.sk/d/G4HxoL_mtbcD5

  • Little fixes for more stabillity. 

Upd. 0.24: https://yadi.sk/d/Pn_aSRS4tccXC

  • Fixed problem with capture soul skill.
  • Some improvements in battle system.
  • With reason much bugs in battle scene you can use run when is not your turn. (After we fix all of these problems we will delete this possibility)
  • Added possibility to recover hp/mp from village fountan.
  • Fixed problem with "blood rage" skill of catgirl .
  • Change the appearance of hit/mana points status at status panel, now that show current hp/max hp
  • Added pleasuremeter status to save/load
  • Redused prices at the shop



Tyler Jansen

Noticed a few bugs. Whenever i get attacked by the cat she disappears and I am unable to attack and am forced to reload the game. After i while of reloading my magic skills all reset themselves to level 1. Something i would suggest is that when you are defeated you should be brought back to full health.


Bug with a catgirl I have corrected in version 23(I already reupload it), but alas, because I rework a new system to combat it have not yet fully configured, so now can lag all the characters, after get hit or after them hitting game can freeze and attack bars will not fills. When I fully configured the new system all the bugs should be gone, before they met when slime attacked and bunny girl jumped to the attack, or when a player has used skill to hit all enemies


Thanks to help found bug with potions in autosave :) you say about skills but there was no problem I found, what were you doing before your skills was resetted? But I check up code when try found reason of your bug with skills and found that bug in autosave with potions ) every time they not loaded with autosave (anyway with loading code or file they load normally). And about recovering of HP and MP, I will not add that ability to full recover hp/mp after battle, now recovering maked on only 15% of max hp and mp, but you can recover your hp/mp in village using fountan, also you can sleep in tavern (when you spend 2 coins) this will do the same effect.

Tyler Jansen

I had to reload the Web page when ever the game froze during battle (bug stated above). And after a few times of loading my save all my magic skills went down to 1.


Try this in new version, if bug will be still here I will find and fix it! :)

Tyler Jansen

Okay played the updated version. When you reload the web page and load a saved game it resets your magic skills. Also in the mythic tower i had some trouble with the enemies going out of order. It will be my turn and the enemies will go anyways and it resets my speed bar. Thanks