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I was not finished yet new build, so I make this news post to show what was done during this month
New build would be on next week, I need a bit more time for skychain boss battle final part and for pyramid levels finishing and tests

I finished polishing of skychain boss level, there is A LOT enemies on this level (near to 120-150) so I checked all their positions and make a bit optimization, now game would disable physics and animations for enemies when they far from the player, so I improve FPS from 15 to 90 for me


Currently I continue to check and edit last 4 levels, levels of Ancient Pyramid:

(I can say that there is not 4 but 3 and 0.1 of levels ^^, because boss level is a pretty small chamber)


I continue creation of ending comics, this frame takes pretty much time:

At current moment comics was completed at
First ending - 10/15
Second ending - 3/13
Third ending - 0/15

So there is near to 26% of comics was done, but anyway they are just static pictures, so I think when I finish other stuff they will be finished faster ^^


I not finished yet this but I already create interface for minigame with skychain boss (yes I will change boss picture to animated one, this is just for example ^^)


Also I continue to make pictures for spine animations for futa mode:

Futa part is completed at:

pictures - 13 / 27
animations - 0 / 5

Near to 40%




Ohhh, looking forward to Skychain04! Looks more like a stresstest for the engine rather than for the player though, lol.


Well that's awesome I was worried skychain would be the last level glad we get one more :D


Guys, I have bad news, I have sick with a cold T^T I fighting for few days but now it finally pwned me, and now only what I can do it is just to write this message, so the update will be delayed by 4-5 days, it will not be April 7th, but April 11-12 Hope for your patience! I will continue my work at the project right from the moment when I would feel better, but now I would rest for few days to boost my curing


I'm back! And I continue to develop Lora ^~ So build would be at 11 April