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Here is link to the alpha version of Horny Knight: link to MEGA

In this version I not implemented yet sounds, battle system, inventory, save/load, but anyway in this version is are
9 sex and 9 "service" hentai pictures, also you can check not only hentai content but all other graphic stuff what I do for just 3 weeks... And when get to the programming part get wrecked by stuff what happening around me for the whole 3 months, huh
Always when I think that "Hmmm This looks that it is not so hard" my life says "Ha-ha!" and things what I wanted to do for just 2 weeks become 3 months of overcoming
But I happy that I done this project at nearly of 70%
And thanks that you all with me with your support all this time, guys! ^^

And some about importance of Horny Knight for me
Maybe you can think that I spend my time to something not important when I start it, but firstly I planned that I finish it for just 1.5 months, and if troubles won't happen in my life it looks like I can complete it even for just 1.1 of month
But anyway this project was important for me because I wanted to rest a bit of Lorain, it is hard project and it exhausted me emotionally, so I wanted to create fast something new, fresh, small and with mechanics that I never used before, and I was happy with speed that I was draw all those pictures (20 hentai pictures), for just 14 days, wow!
Programming part was not so hard, but because of I not wanted doing as all other, I trying now to create a bit more deeper mechanics if all game elements, maybe you can see some in this alpha

Oh, also! In finale version would be dialogues of girls during ero pictures so they would be much more exciting! ^~
So if you wait a bit more, I think to the end of February I will finish it, you will see pictures with dialogues which would describe actions of those naughty girls

Also during the January I slowly developing the Lorain too, I created already first floor of the final temple, I reworked the starter comic for multulanguage purposes, I working under the achievements and skychain bossfighting now ^^

Guh, to know my luck and bad timings, the electricity was disabled in entire house for six hours when I already upload 70% of this alpha build on Mega and I have this version only on my PC ^^" hope someday I will get all this unluck as an one great luck, and I hope that you all have more luck than I ^^


Bob Morane

Very nice but why no creampie ? :((


I will add creampie picture later ^~ I want that creampie picture will change stock picture If the hero have 100% excited


Well more than happy to see you do what you need to keep your motivation for Lorain but, not gonna lie games like this bore me to tears so definitely more excited for your return to Lorain. Did play it though just to make sure and I will say so far the dialog had me rolling lol. It is so corny was laughing my ass off "Slay her with your BIG SWORD" "I like BIG SWORDs" ITs so corny it is pretty great. So, you do you your art and style is still one of the best :D.


Thank you! ^^ I happy that I still can make people laughing ^^ And yes, this type of games I not like too, but there are a lots of this games in the world (but who is playing in them?..), and I understand that this type of games is very easy to produce, so I just testing my powers, how fast and how good I can do this games, don't worry, I will complete it in this month, anyway I continue to create Lorain time by time during creation of this game too ^^