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Link to the new version: ZIP 


  • Magma L2 has been removed from the game
  • Lora jump height increased by 10%
  • Lora walljump height increased by 60%
  • Now you can hold CTRL + Mouse Moving to move the camera around 
  • Fixed size of some enemies (leech, electricBot, gargoule)
  • Fixed AI for leech
  • Fixed hitboxes of tentacles
  • SkyChain L1 - fixed all bugs which not access you to complete the level (hopefully)
  • SkyChain L2 - some fixes about puzzle to the "not so secret tower"
  • New puzzle nodes design
  • Added anchored nodes for puzzles
  • Leech and fluffy now can screams
  • Fixed gargoule death desappearing
  • Now monsters should die correctly, without idle animations
  • Fixed some ero animations bug in skychain (they fall out of the camera) (but if you can make this bug again - please tell me how)
  • Gap between attack animations for Lora increased
  • Small fixes in Lora air control

Fixes and changes in gallery:

  • Monsters from skychain added
  • Some problems with liquid in eroanimations has been fixed
  • Fixed crystal cost of upgrades
  • Added recharge speed upgrade (3 lvls)
  • New pictures for upgrades




Huh, totally forgot to add in update description that now you can hold CTRL and move mouse to look around ^^" So, update note fixed!

Tyaba Neko

I'm having a bug in the previous version and 0.82 where my character keeps running in place and it makes movement very inconsistent. I have tried deleting my locallow files but still have not found a fix. :/


Please describe what you doing for that, so I be able to replicate it and fix it

Bob Morane

Good idea to remove a level from magma. It was far too long and labyrinthic. Would you also consider making the map visible always on main screen, to make the levels easier to navigate ?

Tyaba Neko

There is no specific action I am doing, it happens whenever I play on any level and after I jump and land the character just starts jogging in place and continues to do so as I run. This makes jumping not work half the time and causes some sliding.


I will try to find solution, but maybe I can't fix it in two next versions, because I not have these bugs when I test game by myself, so finding reason of them would be pretty hard Also it can be helpful for me to solve it if you record this bug (as Gif or video)


No, it will obstruct vision, so map can be only openable, also map is not so correct, especially for skychain temple ^~ So better if player will check it few times per level, to find secrets or etc

Andre Shilo

Have a problem with Scy Chain- how jump higher? How do double jump?!in first locatin level?

No one

Made it to the top of the last mission XD Cant Put a screenshot anywhere here to show you lol XD


You can send screenshoot through imgur ^^ Just send link to the picture here or into private messages to me ^~


How can i fix the bug where i bounce of the ground whole time. I cant jump or do anything beside walking.


I working with this bug at the current moment, its pretty rare and I can't reproduce it, so I trying to find other ways to fix it Also please can you write which OS, CPU and GPU you use?


OS: Win10/64B. CPU: Intel i7-4790K. GPU: Nvidia GeForce 1660 Super


Okay, I think then it is not only because OS or CPU, then there is something more (happy that GPU is not reason of this bug), anyway I will continue trying to find this bug, also you can try to delete save file (make copy of it before you delete it, because if it is something from old saves then I need this file) Save file is here: c:\Users\%username%\AppData\LocalLow\Octopussy\Lorain\data.dat I not sure that this can help, but anyway here was a small chance that problem can be from old savefile


Nope. Yesterday I played the game for the first time. First I played the free version. But I also got that Bug there, so I decided to get patron and try the newest release. I deleted the old data and saves too. But creating a new game wouldn't help.