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Ugh, it takes pretty much time

But I finished "falling from powerfull hit" animation
And animation after Lora cumming

Also after that I added to this animation all stuff which will use Ero-module
Anal plug tail
Cat ears
Lora become wet by arousal amount
Belly increasing according to how much sperm Lora have inside her belly (also how you see I decide to make it separated by percentage of filling, I can't make the same like wet from arousal)
Covering by cum (face, boobs)

Also I tried to make animation of Lora getting up, here is concepts:

But I think it is not so matter, I just make it from Lora crouch state

So the week of updates has ended! And next update will be at next week, I will try to make now weekly updates again, because now I not have issues with place where I can work at my project - Lorain  ^^ I will try my best again! ^^




im waiting the updates T.T


Is there any current idea of when we might get the next trial version? Or is it just too risky with where you have it presently?

desert17 (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-28 00:58:43 also the animation of posessed water, im waiting for it so bad >.<, or only the colored line art :3
2020-04-14 11:19:56 also the animation of posessed water, im waiting for it so bad >.<, or only the colored line art :3

also the animation of posessed water, im waiting for it so bad >.<, or only the colored line art :3


Wow, I did not even know that someone wait animation with possessed water! Okay then, I will make it ~ ♪ I planned to remove this monster from the game, but I already made clean lineart to this animation PSD, and I was a bit sad to throw away my work time, and maybe I waited to someone write something about this monster... SO, yes, it worked for possessed water, I will add it to the ice zone ^~ Also it AI not so hard, so it will not be problematic to add it into game


Sorry for that, I being really busy with some documents all previous week, and even next update will be only at 24 April, hope on your patience!


Module too raw to build new version with it, so it will be only in next month, 20-30 May


Sorry, guys, was too busy at previous week Next update with news about module dev progress will be at 24 April!


Also next build with including of Ice Bosses and Sky Chain location, will be at 20-30 May, also this build will include pervertion module (But because I do something like this first time with Unity+Spine it can be a bit buggy ^^")

desert17 (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-28 00:58:43 im waiting it &gt;.&lt;
2020-04-24 15:15:30 im waiting it >.<

im waiting it >.<


I trying my best, desert ^~ but there will be only news with few pictures and animations, most important thing will be in May, because you will be able to touch all this stuff by yourself in the game ^~


I may late with this news update as happens pretty often - socials not my strong side ^^"