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I finished animation of Overload mode for Lora, in this mode Lora will be able to kill her enemies, this mode will be unlocked after beating the boss from the Laboratory in "snow spike" location

Being in this form will grants additional mobility to Lora

At current moment I adds this mechanics to code, not sure when I can finish this
Check for updates here, I will try to do them often ^~ Anyway next build should be with few levels from "snow spike" location




By story Lora can't be fucked in this mode, but we can have it in customizing option in future ^~


Well if there is less sexy times in this form I'll probably use it less or not at all.


Thats normal, because this mode I added more for the story, also you can't be in that mode all the time, it's like super ability, just for short period of time you increases all your parameters and gain ability to kill enemies, first few times you can use it only for few seconds Anyway game can be fully completed without using of this mode ^~ but of course it will take more time


Could you please make gallery zone first? It is hard for me to find the certain monster now.


Keep up the great work! Gonna throw in my own +1 for the gallery mode. Absolutely fantastic animations are it'd be nice to have them all easily accessible in one location.


I don't know what resolution you view/design this on, but on a 1440p monitor at native resolution (with the game set to 2560x1440) all of the text and images in the opening story are blurry. Is that something that will be fixed in upcoming releases?


Oh, I see that only for four years monitors jump from 1080 to 1440p, we can't do anything with this, sorry ^^" it's need to us redraw all pictures of the game from 1080 to 1440px, so it's impossible, also I have only 1080px monitor yet, so I not know how much it is bad for 1440px monitor users, but be sure, next game will be in 1440px resolution ^~ also characters in dialogues a bit oversized yet, it will be fixed in next update


Okay, then now I will working on this too ^^ With other things what I do now it will take a 8-10 days, I think


I recently discovered this game, and it looks really nice so far! I just have a little request though. Would it be possible to implement a zoom feature during the h-scenes? Thanks in advance!

Dominick Oliver

is there a guide to this game?


Next update will be at 23 December