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I bit late, but I add and fix pretty much things during these days! ^~

Build v0.69 - ZIP

Main changes in this version:
- Boss added, now he will normally spawn on levels to kill you~ ^^
- Added big picture with defeating by the boss
- Added sounds for some monsters who deserve this (but not in ero animations, I still collect new collection of erotic sounds ^^", will add sounds to ero after this ^~)
- Lora additional 1 sprite into dialogues
- Recharging system now works manually with "F" button

Smaller fixes and changes:
- fixed size of slime ero animation
- fixed speed of some monsters (satyr, stomper, training camp guardian)
- fixed some problems with crouch (slow transition, jumping sound, wrong transition from running, collider length - now Lora will easier crouch through flames)
- redesigned levels in all locations to make player feels more freely, removed 1 tile from some corridors roof, levels now bit cleaner and rarely have 1 tile to climb out, removed some monsters to make levels easier, redesigned some levels to make it easier, pretty much changes in levels ^^" this is not all
- some crystals has been relocated
- edited sound on press trap, now it will can be heard from far away
- Animation for recharging system, sounds for recharging system
- fixed fire traps
- fixed flame pit shadow
- Location of snow spike now can be opened, but it is not a single level in it yet

I tested the boss few times, and it was pretty hard from my first attempts, so I make it much easier now, but he is still pretty challenging, after few weeks I want to make poll to check how it hard to you all ^^

Hope it will be not so hard, because it was only first boss and I want to make other bosses harder than him. But this is only one boss with this type mechanics ^^ others will do other things

Don't forget to use your new DASHING ability!! ^~

But it have strange bug with climbing, it not always work correctly when you dashing, so be careful! I will fix it in later versions

Also ability to recharging your costume now works manually, so I think  you will be naked more time than earlier ^~

Also guys who have problem with launching with il2cpp, I left in this version crash handler, so we will be able to find with you what is a problem it is, I tried to fix it, but I not sure that it will work to you, but now we can find where exactly it crashing, so if you have the same problem - write in comments, we will try find out what we with you can do to fix it ^~




Just got this build and I'm loving it so far! Sorry if this has been asked before, but are there any plans to add controller support to the game? I'm not a big fan of keyboard control ^_^

嘉堃 袁

Failed to load il2cpp ...how to fix it??


Please try new version, if it still appears please write to me in private message!