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Here is new version of game v0.03

Lorain v0.03: ZIP

Still not have erotic scenes, they will be in next month, because:

At this month we finally finished all player main control mechanics of Lorain
At this update you can check how Lora can do:
- Double jump
- Dash
- Crawl (fixed)
- How she can fits in 1 tile holes
- How she can do normal wall jumps (added better wall slide animations and it's transitions)
- Climbing by 1 tile blocks

Improvements in movement mechanics:
- Added mechanics to help player with jumps (delay of falling from tile jump)
- Physics now checks much faster
- Added optimization of physics for fast computers

We added sounds for animations
- jump
- run
- climbing (not the final version)
- wallslide
- double jump (not the final version)
- dash

Also how can be understandable I finished these animations:
- Lorain double jump
- Lorain dash
- Lorain new crawling
- Lorain climbing
We created tiles and objects for the first location - Training camp
It contains
- 20 static and 1 animated object
- 9 bg tiles
- 24 ground tiles
- 1 big sky bg

You can check all in new version of game ^~

I remind you that now in the game there will be 5 locations:
- Training camp (Tiles and objects finished)
- Magmatic temple  (Tiles and objects finished)
- Ice temple (Only tiles was finished)
- Sky chain temple (Only tiles was finished)
- Desert temple  (Tiles and objects finished)
Also at this month was finished  battle animation for enemy in Training camp location:

And I started creating interface for map scene, here is concept:


Next month I suppose will be update with interface and full first location - training camp, where Lorain should show her skills to get access to temples



ZN Employee

Hi there! First of all, great progress on the Lorain! I've checked out new version and first thing that really annoys me is double jump. It's rather complicated to jump between walls because if you jump while sticking to wall and trying to move opposite of it, you double jump instead of jumping in that direction. E.g. you jumped right, stuck to the wall and now try to jump left away from it, but instead Lora boosts up in double jump and you loose all momentum. I hope it's just a minor bug and not intended wall jumping mechanic. (You might want to check out Sundered - it has a really nice wall jumping feel and air combat, though latter isn't related to question at hand) Otherwise - movement so far feels very nice, you don't have total control in the air, but can steer Lora far enough plus there's an emergency double jump boost. Finished test challenge in around 5 minutes on current version.