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I felt ill last week, so here will be not much in this update, only what I was done during a week

I was added crouching, fixed wall slide and wall jumping, added better maneuverability, added spikes (and tested), created test level for wall, platform, tiles jumping, spikes and crawl tests, fixed some bugs with Lora physics

Now player need to push down + up to go through platforms

In this version you can test and check which work has been done for prev week on test level

 Lorain v0.02 - Normal

Also I added challenge for april fools~ ))

 Lorain v0.02 -  April fools challenge  

It was really hard challenge, because you will have only 3 hp, here will be the same map like was in test for wall jumping, crawl and spikes, but if you complete the challenge then you will get prize in the final room for future games ;)
Also don't say about prize to other patrons, this prize only for those who crazy in platformers ^~

Also at this moment platformer not have enough helping stuff like emergency safe jump (for few ms when you fall from block), and etc. cool stuff, and this makes platformer harder, so don't worry, and don't be in rage if you can't get the prize, anyway in game you will still have many of this things ^~
But on one less... ;3

Known bugs:
Crawl working pretty bad, but still possible to complete all with it ^~
Lora will get big speed boost when player not holding down during 1 tile crawling
Crawl animation was bit laggy
Lora can stuck in spikes and get additional hits if she jump in them from bottom




Uh oh, I tried so hard, and come so far, of course I used +3 hp cheat code for Legendary heroes tier, but I even not need in this, because I still have 1 hp even if I not use the code after complete this level... 150+ attempts... x) I hate side spikes the most!! Spoilers (but without code of course): <a href="https://i.imgur.com/Q0hcaUu.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.imgur.com/Q0hcaUu.png</a> How far have you come? :)

Xeno Neko

Managed to beat it! Wow, that was challenging. Found a bug were you would end up sliding up walls if a spike hits you at the right time.


Congratulations! )) I happy to hear that someone was able to complete this extra hard challenge ))


I feel as if the wall latching and sliding mechanic can be improved on a little bit. Its like when Lorain jumps towards a wall, I have to hold the directional keys with about a second delay before she actually latches onto the wall. It's especially really bad when you wall jump towards an edge of the wall or platform, because it seems the the system doesn't recognize the edges as a wall and doesn't latch onto the wall until Lorain untul she's actually fallen far enough down. I also have a problem with when I latch onto the wall, I have to hold my directional keys, but when I let go, Lorain just immediately falls. I guess I'm kind of cross referencing the wall mechanics with the oirginal Mega Man series and Mega Man X, but besides the wall mechanics, the running, jumping, and crawling looks and feels amazing!