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It's done, there some improvement in graphic part, also I fixed few bugs ^^
Also patrons of Newbie Tier gets access to Jungle location! ^~

Link: ZIP | Installer win_x64

Full changelog for v0.63:
  • Added crosshair
  • Added animation for fire-love bullets flame
  • Added dressing module (for LH tier only)
  • Added "Naked" outfit  (for LH tier only) 
  • Added location "Deep Coral"  (for S tier and bigger)
    - 5 monsters walk, get hit, die animations
    - 5 monsters ero-animations
    - Animated background
  • Fixed projectile hit animation
  • Fixed button hovering bug
  • Fixed main menu bug when buttons from main menu accidentally appears under the upgrades panel
  • Fixed some sound bugs with girl voices
  • Added randomizing generation by X and Y of swarm and air type units




In the final version of the game do you plan to have all the LD tier stuff be unlocked when you complete the game? As I've not seen you mention plans for the game after development, in fact I didn't even realize the tier changes from before. Apologies if you have talked about the changes but I've checked through the posts since July's update of Lorain to see no mention of the changes just saying about what is accessible. As I believe the tiers went up to $50 and now it's an maximum of $15 which makes me wonder why?


I changed pledges slowly during 2 years and watch how people like it or not, and tried to make pledges like all other creators make, I know that I created good content so I want that it worth it, so all changes what happens its 1 tier now gets extended demo version instead of full release (this was already changed a year ago ^~), 5 tier gets full versions how it was been before, but extended versions now only for 15 tier, because here is really lots of work to add something special like character customization ^~ and they gets cheatcodes when it possible And about 40 and 100 pledges, its too hard to makes ANY gifts, so I not think that this pledges worth it, better I will do more games stuff instead of spend days on making gifts for reaching 100 gap, so I deleted it too. Yes tiers for $40 and $100 here earlier much more for gifts, but many people frequently wanted that I will not show their picture or animation anywhere else, so... of course it really good that our patron gets special content, but it not worth for me or other patrons, so now I only finish last gift what was left and here will no more gifts for gap 100 ^^ So, not many stuff changed ^^ its look like shift by 1 tier, and optimization of working time ^~ If something important would changes I will notice all about it ^^ but at this moment I not see any reason in it, shift by one tier was goes already by 1 year ago ^~ And answer about will I unlocking LH stuff in final version - no, I will not unlock any stuff of LH tier after finishing the game and in any other time, they have their exclusive content ^~