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Hello, dear patrons!
Since the launch of the Lorain project, we have already done a lot of things on it and now we are starting to build the game piece by piece. Here comes the moment when we show you the first alpha build of the game that we did as a team for the first time! So far, everything is quite simple in it, Lora only knows how to jump, run, shoot enemies, while in the game there are no sounds of the characters (we still need to record new voices), we closed the exits to the unfinished locations with the stones, interactions with objects as well has not been added yet. In the alpha version there are:

•     5 monsters – the satires, on whom some experiments were made, so the males went insane, and the females became very obedient and calm and acquired the ability to create any objects from their energy; fluffies, who have gnawed their way to the first floors of the temple; gravity bots, who are able to control the gravity and were created among different robots in order to protect the temple; ancient eyes – pure energy creatures, who see everything that happens in the temple.

•    10 locations from two areas – sand area, where some records of the researches were stored, and magma area, where the necessary resources for the researches were mined.

•    6 sex animations (one of them is between the monster and the monstergirl). As always, you can interrupt an animation by pushing the space bar (many times).

We know that here can be some bugs and something work and looks still not exactly how we want (like oversized environment), but this is just alpha ^^  (even "pre-alpha" if we can say that) I use spine for all animations so they looks much better than in tower! ^^ We hope you will enjoy it!! ^^   

Link: Lorain Alpha 0.2

Some tips:

Lora have some skills like pull and push enemies with gravitational energy, it was binded on Q and E buttons, also she can shoot magic in enemies by F button, also here was upgrades panel (X button) where you can upgrade skills by score which you will get by collecting crystals (this upgrades adds not much, but we anyway want to show mechanic of this part)

Also falling plaforms.  When they fall they should appears again after few seconds (Aaaactually here should be dissapearing platfroms, but at market was left only falling platforms, so we was bought them and place exactly falling platforms at this moment :p later here will be better platforms. ^~)

Also here was location with lot of spikes, you should jump over 4 platforms upper and push button to call "bridge" over this ocean of spikes



Zany Hitakus

Just played through it a bunch, it looks really good! The animations are all nice and very pristine (especially the sex ones :3). I have a few questions like: Is the character supposed to be that floaty? And is there anyway to escape a spike pit once you fall in one? But game play wise I really enjoyed roaming around and exploring the various different floors. I have encountered a few bugs here and there such as when I got pulled into a sexual animation with the Grav bot, it glitched into a wall where I couldn't see what was going on and when the animation finished the Grav bot was out of the wall but I was still stuck in the wall, but I always expect glitches like this in early versions of the game. All in all a very promising looking game which I'm more than happy to support into the coming future :) Great work Octo :D


So happy to hear that! ^^ Of course we will fix all this things and character will not be floaty ^^ oh this spike pits... they should be without this level of depth so player can just run in any side to go out of it, by this moment is a little bug when you can jump many times when you near to wall, so you can use it if it works to go out from the pit x) This the first time when we collect all things together and from now it's a huge work for programming to make things work and looks better ^^


wow well done :) i really like it, it's like a adult version of metroid :D


That darn sea of spikes has killed me at least 100 times now.


you need to be able to jump off the spikes..... take damage yes but not kill you every time.

Jason H W

Yaa...something needs to be done about the spikes. Having to restart the whole thing because I haven't memorized the entire level or exactly where to jump, kinda ruins the fun a bit. Otherwise it looks quite nice for alpha


Ohohoo, nice to finally see the result of your works so far. Considering this is (pre-)alpha, I really like what I'm seeing! To bring a point of criticism, I think most of the H-scenes need to last a bit longer. It just feels like they start and end so abruptly and there's barely any chance to enjoy the show ;)


This game has alot of potential! I can't wait to see more from you guys!


This is really good for an Alpha build, I especially like the animation quality. However, I found it very hard to control the main character, especially in midair. I understand that this is in Alpha and there's going to be a lot of issues but I would like to suggest instead of using an RidgidBody.AddForce() for player movement, use transform.Translate(). this will give the player a more immediate response when they press a movement key, as well as make it easier to move midair. I've worked with unity before and I would love to offer my help if you'd like, just PM me. Anyways, this game looks very promising and has a lot of potential!


Don't worry, all animations will have right amount of loops later ^~ At this moment some H-scenes should make really more loops, and this should be controlled from programming part, but at this moment they played only one time ^^ and because of in spine they have only one loop they was played only once, and animation ends really fast ^^


Another vote for doing something about the spikes. There's nothing quite like being overly punished for not knowing a map or exploring to make you not want to play. O_o


nice alpha, but i found a little bug. when you boost with shift in a loading zone, you get stuck in a wall. And you cant shoot to the left, but for now great work :)


I like it a lot. love where its going i would change the zoom of the character make it bit closer and display the controls other then that looks great!


how do i click the button for the bridge?


I asked for this our programmer earlier, because for me it works not good too, and he say that he put this button on turn on/turn off when you walk into it, so I think sometime it just on/off with that :) I solve this sea of spikes for me by other way - re-enter area with crystals few times until I can buy "dash" ability (on shift), and after that just fly over it (but be careful, dashing is too fast ^^''' )

Ron Jonson

Spikes are a death sentence for sure, not sure if that's intended. This is an amazing alpha though, great work!

Philip L'écuyer

o and i dont know how but ive falen of the map xD

Sobbing Genius

So I have to say I love the game ... buuut... first thing I noticed was that the controls are waaay to slippery, I am constantly falling off the edges because of it. Second thing I actually almost missed, the platforms fall as soon as I touch them in any way and become entirely useless if I so much as bump them on accident which ofcourse makes it very hard to climb. Third and definitely the most trouble some... if I fall in a pit of spikes there's no way to escape so I have to sit and wait for my hearts to run out... Even with those three issues it is still Amazing for a 0.2 alpha build. I was very suprised and impressed with just how much content there actually was so early in. I was expecting the release to be fairly barebones while mechanics are being tuned and having to wait for playable content. Definitely even more exited for what this game has to offer


Thank you for the comment! Of course, in the later versions problem with controls will be fixed!