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Hello! Did this week even pass? Have you seen it? I haven't noticed it at all, but it does not cancel the fact that it has come to an end! So here's the question of this week, "Whom (besides the hero) we meet the first in the game?". The question is Medium and you don't have to go far to answer it. As usual, the correct answer will be estimated at 1.5 points!


And now about the super easy question of the previous week! The answer was "The Evil Tree", because the Chimera is only his weapon, she is not considered a boss, she can be compared to a hero's sword, a very beautiful sword ....> //// />

Those who answered "evil tree and chimera" still get their score.

Some rules:

  • Please, give your answers only in our PRIVATE MESSAGES. Answers in the comments won't be accepted. 
  • Answers shall be given in 7 days (including the day question was posted).  When next Sunday starts on GMT the answers already won't be accepted.



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