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Here comes the time to ask our first question!  

The first question of our quiz will be: "Who can pass through the barrier on the island?"

But, before you start answering, we want to clarify some aspects:

  • Please, give your answers only in our PRIVATE MESSAGES. Answers in the comments won't be accepted. 
  • Answers shall be given in 7 days (including the day question was posted).  When next Sunday starts on GMT the answers already won't be accepted.

May the odds be ever in your favor! :3



Auntie Floof

That moment when you can’t answer cause you’re at work and unable to play the game...

chris lampley

What game is this in reference to

Auntie Floof

Aye, but it makes me wonder... what happens should several people tie for first? A comment game of Rock Paper Scissors or a sort of auction? Cause if it’s a tally of who answered first, then I’m boned... since I’m a Sat-Wed worker...


No, we count all answers, so, all people which answer is right will get points, for example at this moment 5 persons was already give 100% right answer, also another 3 was give only half right answer, they will get 50% from points ^