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At current moment we finished all concepts for monsters in different biomes:
Sand (normal), Magma, Ice, Wind, Laboratory, Spider Caves
Summary in game at current moment will be 23 monsters and 5 bosses

Magma core biome:
Magma walker
Anchient eye
Magic servant - gravitational model

Frozen biome:
Possessed water sphere
Frozen zombie girl
Magic servant - ice model
*This biome will have Boss

Sand (normal) biome:
Enslaved lamia
Big slime
*This biome will have Boss

Wind biome:
Wind psionic elemental
*This biome will have Boss

Laboratory biome:
Enslaved satyr
Mutant M type
Mutant F type
Magic servant - electric type

Spider caves biome:
Live plants
Digger worm
*This biome will have Boss

Also in game will be traps:
slime trap (sex scene)
fire trap
fire pillar trap
spikes trap
dissapearing stones
tentacles traps (up, down, side) (sex scene)
darkness trap (sex scene)
electric trap
wind trap
stunner crossbow trap
manipulators (sex scene)

And final boss of course

Last monsters concepts - zombie girl, ice bot, possessed water"


Tower extended version (for "neko food donation" and more):

After finishing optimization I started to work on monster customization, and already added function which can allow randomly customize monsters during the fight, and already do it with the slime girls, and of course for do that I syncronize all symbols in project, because slimes, fairies and alraunes - they was in the start of project and I was not know at beginning that any transfering of them will creates additional symbols, so I syncronize all their body parts to color them in future and etc., at this moment only slime has different animations during fight phase, also slime is pretty most hard monster for realisation x) so she takes really much time from me, huh! :D At this moment I was added skin and hair changing, also I planned to add breast size and accessories customizing :) aaaand still need to create customizing function in the gallery, I will start add extended versions after I add this function to the game ;)

And yea, I hate this hit special effect so I planned to improve it :)





Well you said you won't add more enemies to the tower but improving/making more of them is a way around. Thats a good thing!


That was planned from middle of Tower developing, I was say earlier about customizing stuff ;)




Will the gallery be improved a bit? Some of the animations skip to the next one rather than repeating.


Can you write which animations was do this? Which animations was make skip to next one rather than repeating? And about any bug in game - if someone find it and write it to me, of course I will fix it if I able to fix it ;) For ex.: I can't fix bugs which is too hard to re-create, like bug what can happen randomly with some monstergirls when they goes to make sex animations with you and other monstergirl make hit on you even you in sex animation, I still not find reason of it, and it happens only 1 time by 400 battles now, more often in water tower, and magma tower, but sometimes in mythical tower, I try to find reason and fix it near to 5-8 times, and still not know why and in which conditions it was happens :)


So far the cat blowjob, and a few others. I'll update this when I get home