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This is the same version I uploaded at my discord server 1.5 months ago

Thank to all who have waited here and by some reason not comes to my discord!

Wanted to finish the final fixed version and upload it, but was very busy those months, so will upload this version even if it have not all bugs fixed
So later here will be another last one, final version with all bugs fixed, which would be sold on steam and at the other platforms

Honestly previous laggy version I still can count as release, because here is still possible to complete the game, if game can be completed - it's a release for me x) But yeah, it was really laggy and I spent plenty of time to fix many bugs in it already, most annoying ones fixed

Here you can download the last version that I have been uploaded for Patrons to the discord channel:
Free: https://www.patreon.com/posts/free-content-5432242
Octalings: https://www.patreon.com/posts/1-content-3799545
Octaknights: https://www.patreon.com/posts/5-content-3799712
Octalords: https://www.patreon.com/posts/15-content-3799716

And now I wanna say something important about piracy, if you have remember what I have said and what I have do a half-year ago at Lorain Patreon release x)
My action with piracy is over and I'll continue to upload content here on patreon (but still at discord sometimes it will be uploaded a bit earlier, as always was) Honestly I wanted make it earlier but again - was too busy x)
- Result of this expirement was amazing! The site against which I was do this even after 7 months still not have any versions of Lorain, it will have version only after this post (probably)
I happy about this result, I happy that those persons who really supported me was get the game first (And they was have this version exclusively even for whole 1.5 months after release until other sites where I pirating by myself have get their pirated versions too)
Anyway, all this what I have done it's not so against piracy, but to give really exclusive access for my supporters for few months who really into it, and wanted to make a small action against piracy sites which have NO FEEDBACK
Game anyway would be pirated, it's okay, it's stupid to war against piracy ^^ But some sites better to change their policies and add feedbacks... >.> I mean especially the site what starting at 'k' (happy that this site not have any version for whole 7 months, lol, my "discord uploading" worked too good against this site) Please, add feedbacks! You steal creators content and give nothing in back!
And instead of that bad sites with no feedbacks - here is other piracy sites who have feedbacks and this is really good, because of them I can see what bugs is appeared in the game which I not seen yet. I working near to fully alone, and for test I have only few friends, they can't find every bug that game have, also my community is pretty quiet, even if huge bug drops they not always tell about it ^^" so I happy that I can find bugreports at sites like this
So, thank to those sites who have feedbacks, especially to the site started at 'f' - love you for your feedbacks~ <3
Even if you too rude with some of your words xD But I can understand, some bugs really made a pain T^T

And as result I want to say - don't be a bad pirate, be a good pirate ~ <3 We all pirating something, so pirate pal, many of creators trying their best to make a content, so just donate a bit tips to the creators you like the most~
Even if it would be just $1 buck and in just one time donation, it anyway will help to some creator to create a bit more of content
And if you don't have any money - share creator content to someone - repost it on twitter, put the like under their posts, it anyway will help~



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