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Interactive animation
I planned this at previous year, to make it after I finished the Lorain, so here is first steps in the way of animation ^^ Lorain still on it's way of bugfixing, currently fixed 20 bugs of 59, so stay tuned, at the end of post I will say what happened with me - why bugfixing still not finished as they planned in February (I've wrote this in discord but will duplicate it here too)

So here is speedpaint of interactive animation! ^^ I still wanna to show you the drawing process even if my potato pc can't handle streams in discord on normally T^T So I used integrated drawing capturing feature directly in CSP ^~ Better than nothing

Speedpaint videos here, one is short, and one is long if you wanna see much details:

What will be in this animation -
Animation of enter, few speeds with high and small thrusts, cumming animation, also I'll add ability to move characters by your own decision, and you'll be able to grab and slap her butt, this pose not allow to do interractions with titties so we will left it for next animation~ ^^
At start I'll do gardevoir who was win in poll at the discord:

I'll do gardevoir more as for promo, she would be for free, of course OctaKnights and OctaLords will get it faster than others
After she I'll do additional characters to this animation, Harpy, Foxgirl and Catgirl was selected by Octalords in discord and Lamia was win in the poll:

Also MAYBE I will make additional promocharacter, so maybe here would be not only Gardevoir from famous characters, but I not wanna to give false hopes, I don’t know how difficult it will be, maybe I’ll immediately move on to the next interactive animation after these five girls ^^

Tomorrow I starting to rigging animation so there would be progress updates at the discord, if you wanna you can check them I will post them at Octalings special channel ^~


And now I wanna say what was happened to me during the January, February and beginning of the March
I already said in discord about all sh*t that happened to me during the previous 3 months, but I think to duplicate it on Patreon would be good to clarify why I not in state to create anything during previous 2.5 months

So, long stories short:

  • January beginning from Landlord of our apartments started to repair a roof in living room that just close to collapse (Yaaay I'm survived! xD), repair was goes for whole 40 days and was finished at February (I work during it but very slow, because it was bad if you draw naked titties when here persons who you not know)

  • Near to 7 January I was ill by some SARS, I think it was something bacteriological, but it was not matter because I was fine after a week ^^

  • Here in Kyrgyzstan was magnitude 6 earthquake at the end of January, not the experience I wanted to feel T^T

  • There is ANOTHER earthquake with 5 magnitude, it was not so fearsome but we run at street and I was not in mood to work after that for a day <.<

  • Have issues with paypal so account now is blocked (it not matter, I suppose here in Kyrgyzstan you just can't have Paypal account, it not big issue, but still decreased my mood) ^^"

  • And after all this at ~7 February I just get ill by SARS Covid (I suppose, because I can't feel tastes for 2 weeks after that), by this sh*t I fell ill for 2 weeks, it was the hard thing T^T

  • AND new thing that was happened recently - bathroom have pipe broken so landlord again make some repairings and I not able do work for two days

Do you often have pipe broken and ceiling fall at rented apartments?

So, I was hard time during first two months, it was long months <.<
Here was some another small problems but they not matter in compare to this all

And at March I've spended time to get back in work process, was finished the commission of private animation, finished graphical parts for "house for monster" concept (I spended 4 days to make all text of concept for you!! ^^ Hope it was worth it ^~), about bugs - I'm only tested and checked bugs, but my teammate programmer already fixed 20 of them and we have find few new

Animation would be finished during next few days and after I will continue to fix the bugs in Lorain ^^ during the weekends probably will fix half of them I think




To answer your question about apartments, at least partially, no that is not normal. That being said, I can only speak for my small region in America. I did research before renting and paid visits for tours. Nothing without excellent ratings even got a visit. Even those with excellent ratings had several that were questionable. Only after dozens of hours of research and hundreds of miles of driving and a half dozen tours did I deign sign a lease. I have had only minor issues that are all fixed quickly. My air conditioner blew up once, but it was pretty old and apparently no amount of preventative maintenance would have helped. The new one is much cheaper on the electric bill and quieter.