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Thank you so much for waiting on the continuation of this! I'm starting to get to a better place where writing this side comic is more feasible for me 😅

Fellow counselors, woo! Next page we should get a closer look at them so you can see some of Mark's potential options... 👀




Just when you day's going so-so.. BAM! A Wild Jackaloo appears and your day just gets a million times better!


Sharing feelings is so, so hard, and saying what hasn’t been said is even more difficult.


I bet Mark is gonna be even more heartbroken in Vol 4. and I can't tell what'll upset him more: Andy having a boyfriend in general, or the fact that it's Cooper.

Angelic Bard - Pflegehund

YESSS we're back in action x3. Hang in there pasta himbo!!! I'm so excited to see new faces :3


He seemed like he was in a really good place last we saw in the present, at least iirc. So I'm really looking forward to seeing his path to that point.

Red Laurent

This series is really gonna tug the heart strings isn't it? Loving it so far too!


Already some cuties here. Looking forward to seeing more of them.


I'm assuming Mark finding out about Cooper still being in Andy's life and as his boyfriend will be the catalyst fir the final volume's massive fight.


I just hope he doesn't let the spectre of Andy's rejection haunt him for long. Longing for someone for so long is incredibly unhealthy. Thankfully in Volume 3 he seems more at peace.