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Hey all, this is an impromptu post to let you know that the content will probably come late this month. Don’t get me wrong, I’m working on both the main comic/side comic and the commissions, but there are some serious warning signs that I am headed for a full burnout. Something is seriously wrong with me. I need to figure it out.

This Patreon literally pays my bills, so I have no intention of stopping. All I ask for is a grace period during this time because I’ve been ignoring the signs of some sort of breakdown since mid summertime.

Please refrain from messaging me at this time aside from Patreon and commission queue things. I appreciate your care and support, but sorting through messages at this time only adds to the stress. Thank you for understanding, and more to come soon ❤️



Baby…. Take care…. In hospital it’s the same…. And I tell you…. Burnout it’s not a joke. Relax and stay safe


Please do not be afraid to reach out to community resources if you feel you need them. Often times, there are group therapy programs available at hospitals where you spend the day there during work hours on weekdays and you are free to leave the program at any time. It's a program that has helped many, including myself. I hope you take all the time you need to get yourself to a place where you are okay. We all are rooting for you 👍


Love you Jack, take it easy on yourself ❤️

Red Laurent

You have to take care of you, please do so. I for one am not going anywhere. I wish you all the best in sorting this out for yourself. *big hugs*


Take care of yourself, you deserve it. Health comes first 💚

Atari Doge

If you need to switch to monthly instead of per page, I’d be down to support that so you’re less worried about producing pages. I wanna support you and have you be less stressed

Kayko Wolf

Please take care!!!

Dustin Money

Take time to take a break, we will be here waiting no matter what, don’t worry and focus on yourself. You are going to be ok my dude


Take care of yourself!


Stay safe and take your time 👍🏾


Thank you for not ignoring the signs! I love your content and am happy that you are taking care of yourself.

Kyle Gaymer, Beary Rookie

No worries Jackaloo, you take as much time as you need to take care of yourself

Zak Wolf

Take your time and care of yourself! I imagine the vast majority of us will still be here when you're feeling better ❤.

Lucian Greywolf

Take some time and relax buddy. We'll be here for you. Sending love your way ♡♡


Dont be silly. Do what you need to do

Paul (Chiron)

Sending you a huge ::VIRTUAL HUG:: and a lot of love. Do what’s best for you!


Take all the time you need. We pay for content yes but the reason we pay through a service like this is because we want to support you. There are much easier and cheaper ways to get content, we're here for you. And I think I speak for a lot of us when we say we plan on being here for the long haul.


Take some time off and decompress, get that stress out of your head. You've got plenty of people who care about ya!

Harley Ahner

Take care of yourself. Most if us understand. Keeping up with mental health can be a full time gig


Take care, Jack! We love you!


Please forgive the unsolocitied advice, but when the spit hit the fan in my life (aggressive cancer diagnosis 20 years ago) I discovered a superpower I never knew existed: asking for help / delegating! One of the best parts of asking for help is you find out how many friends you've really got! Focus on what is urgent and important. Skip/delegate the rest without a second thought! You can't do it all, so don't. The world will get by. Take care of yourself. Take all the time you need. You are *NOT* letting us down, you are only asking us to help by entertaining ourselves for a while. We'll be happy to! Also please leave your patreon running. I'm in it for the long haul. If people want to pause their payments while you are taking care of business they can do so, but I won't. I *want* to keep your income stream going, if it helps remove one of your worries, because I love your work and respect your talent. It's what friends do You have many here.


Take your time, your health is MORE important! We love you!


Take all the time you need Jackaloo <3


take what time you need we'll be here cheering ya on

Kosmo Fox

Ill wait a year if needed. U take a break. U need it sometimes


Mental health is just as important as physical health. Take your time.