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We made it! The Gardener (part 1?) is complete and will begin to be posted publicly one page at a time ^^

Thank you SO much for everyone who read. I'll be pitching you new side comic ideas ASAP!

There's a lot of behind-the-scenes work going on right now, such as the bonus section and covers of volume 3, plus new merch and MFF artwork. Thank you for your patience as I get it all together :3




Hey, you DID call him inside for some face fuckin'! That's on you! 😂


There goes my favorite side character! Loved reading this comic!

Angelic Bard - Pflegehund

YAAAAY Gardner is complete :D! And an opportunity for more shenanigans down the line??? Very exciting with behind the scenes stuff, thank you Jack!


Winking into the camera like it's an after-school special 😂


Whole comic was fun, and that last panel is cute to end it on!


Maybe he didn't do a good job to have a reason to come back ;)


Dang I wanted his wife to walk in here XD

Zeke Red

What a great little side comic this was. Very satisfying. You did an awesome job Jack!


Oh I know they’re divorced. I was just hoping that this was before he came out and how she found out lol