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Whew! This is just a quick post to let you know that I made it to the other side. The last 48 hours have been extremely strenuous. Our 9am truck wasn’t available til 6pm so we had to deal with some night maneuvering. Also it took me a horribly long time to locate the power chord to my old standing desk which was stuck upside down.

But now, as I sit here borderline deliriously exhausted, I can at least say that the hardest part is over. I’m going to try and have a good sleep and start fresh tomorrow on getting back to work on the tablet now that I set everything back up and got the wifi back. Thank you to everyone for your patience! The main comic page might delay a day or two, but after that we will be back on schedule. See you soon!




Hope you were able to raise a cold one, or maybe a few cold ones, when you were done.


The truck was delayed nine hours!?!? Holy shit. Get some good rest Jack.


Moving is always such a hassle, even when things go according to plan. Rest well, Mr. Dingoat!

Angelic Bard - Pflegehund

YAAAAY YOU DID IT!!! I hope you get awesome sleep and just get whatever you need to thrive in your new house as you get settled in! SUPER excited for all the art you got queued up~ Stay cool super star :D!


The process of moving is such a hideous experience, but from now on, all that's left are the fun parts of moving


Get lots of rest and take it slow. :3


Congratulations *HUGS* Take some time to get settled in. OK.. We can wait so long as we know that you are ok.

Daddy Bearcat

I really don't like moving, so kudos to you for getting it done so fast even with the late truck. Get some rest and we'll all be waiting patiently for more of your awesome comics.


I really admire your work ethic Jack. Get some rest, we love you.

Afadi Chionesu

Congratulations, Jack!!! 👏👏👏👏👏


Moving is always tons of fun, and EVERYTHING goes wrong!

Red Laurent

Congrats! Glad it worked out in the end!