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A little early because February is a shorter month! Ahh!




Just noticed the small sack slipping out of marks pants lol nice touch


Oh no...


Ooooooh? Gunna kiss a man?!?! 👀💦 I'm here for complicated messey feeling shit. I'd be so down. :3

DJ Wolf

Yay marks back!

Cherubi Bloodborne

Nice wardrobe malfunction, guess mark's shorts are a little too small. Wonder what's andy's big reveal


That subtle, slip out the shorts... 🔥 Stuffs about to get messy

Ed Haynes

Andy's gonna ask him out, isn't he?


My guess would be a hug and some sort of "thank you" on the next page.


I'm hoping it's a thank you, a kiss, and they set up a date. I know I'm asking too much but I feel it need to happen. And I hope it happens before it's too late. Oh, I love seeing Mark in color. He looks so good.


posted right on my 30th birthday xD

Nelson Cabrera

It is been nice to see there is no bad feelings between them after a long time ^^

Diego P

Plot twist, he's going to stab him


He’s going to give him a big ol smooch


Mark is so tall. And hot. Hot and tall.


Andy just internally combusts in front of Mark. End comic.

Nova Wolf

Ok so Mark is absolutely beautiful. I can now see him and Andy together over Coop. Maybe even a 3 way relationship


Now kith


I have a feeling that Mark had rented the same apartment that Cooper was evicted from.

Max Clawson

Hope Andy won't cause any misreading signals with whatever he's gonna say or do

JP Marone

We all want him to smooch that boi but I think he's gonna talk out some personal stuff with him

Rustle Tasmania

👏MARK👏IS👏LITERALLY👏SO👏HANDSOME👏I👏LOVE👏HIM👏!!!! 😍😍😍😍😍 Also I’m DEAD that Mark’s shorts are so short that because of how tall he is and the way he’s sitting his balls are poking out a little in the middle panel 😂😂😂😂😂!!!

Sashido Zerako

Im literally going EEEEEEEEEE at the last panel OMG KEESE HIM YOU FOOL!


Nice detail on Mark's little ball slip. Super hot!


Well I'm placing a bet on it being a kiss. Like full on make out kinda kiss.


Gay chicken! He *did* offer to play with Andy after explaining what it was! XD


Happy to be wrong, though <3


Gotta say I fully expected Andy to dance around how he broke Mark's heart all those years ago. So it was really nice to see him flat out admit that he feels bad about the way he left things. Progress.

Angelic Bard - Pflegehund

Gawwwhhhhhhhshhhhh! Mark looks so handsome, and now we get him in full color?! Look at his sideburns, his scruff! he's so Hunky~ Gah!!! <3


Either a kiss or a deep hug. Honestly, a date with him wouldn't be a bad idea. Letting them test waters as Cooper is still coming into his own. I get people to want Andy and Cooper together, but sometimes the main characters don't always need together intimately in the end but rather grow together on different days.

Zian Panda

I still can't get over the fact that one of Jackaloo's characters has the same name as me! Yay, Mark! ☺🐼




whats with that? you think they gonna kiss or what? x3 XD


This is the guy he should be dating. XDDD https://youtu.be/zMpr1qLSGJg?t=272