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Happy New Year! December got really busy and tiring, so I had to roll a few goals over into this month. Thanks for your patience! I'm feeling much more collected and stronger than I have been for the past couple months, so I'm feeling optimistic about content flow ^^

🍾 January’s Goals 🍾️

⭐️ 3 pages of Interns Vol 3

⭐️ 2 pages of The Gardener ($3 and up)

⭐️ December's Pinup

⭐️ January's Pinup

⭐️ 2-3 Commissions

⭐️ Finish a new Daki

🍾️ Work Schedule? 🍾️

I will be going back to my old day job on the 10th (the one I had been working at before the pandemic furloughed my entire department). It's frustrating that they won't tell me my hours or workload yet, so I'm just risking the ol' wait-and-see. I'd leave now, but I have a few important loose ends I need to tie up with the department before I officially jump ship and devote myself fully to furry work and the contract gig I got recruited to a few months ago. The level of work the new contract demands from me is entirely manageable in tandem with Patreon work, so that's all good and well! It's just that doing Patreon, commissions, contract, AND the old day job all at the same time... it's physically/mentally too much. One of these is getting the chop soon, and it sure as heck ain't you guys.

Also, fingers crossed that I can prepare a graceful transition between health insurances, because that is lowkey giving me nightmares.

I will also be consciously trying to post more consistently over on Twitter, Ko-fi, the telegram channel, and FurAffinity. Don't worry, you won't miss out on anything! It's mostly gonna be reposts of everything on here (you guys are always the first to see absolutely everything I make). I will potentially do the occasional YCH outside of Patreon, but that's really it.

🍾 Next Con? 🍾️

Next con (as long as nothing happens) will be Golden State Fur Con in Los Angeles April 8th - 10th, 2022. I will post a reminder in March for any Patrons who are attending and want a sketch commission done to message me prior to the con so I can anticipate the workload of the weekend. Thanks!

🍾 Thank you! 🍾️

Alrighty! I'm feeling better and ready to take on whatever this month brings. Thanks for everything and I'm glad to see you in the new year! If you have any resolutions, I'd love to hear them. Mine is to try my best to shed toxic shame and judgement that hinders me internally. That's gonna take a while but hey, we got this!



Hey Jackaloo, what a lovely update. I really like the honest bit about toxic shame etc at the end. We're all working on it all the time, right? I do help gay men with this stuff professionally and if you want to have a free chat all about that please reach out! Best wishes for the new year, I too am super invigorated for big things in 2022!

Milo Smith

Happy holidays Jack! I hope that the rest was welcome and helpful to you! I’m excited to see the new pages you’ve got coming up (especially with the gardener!) :)

Angelic Bard - Pflegehund

This has been an AWESOME year, thank you so much Jack :3 I'll share my resolutions: I've done really well maintaining good mental health habits, and though they've fallen off recently, mine are the following: - Maintaining Good Mindfulness Practice [Journaling, Walks] - Stating my wants and boundaries - Taking time for myself - Good sleep My new thing I'm adding is integrating more Aerobic/Core Strength in addition to Yoga! Oh and maintaining my Yoga Practice!


Toxic shame really is such a difficult problem to overcome for so many of us in the LGBT community, thanks for helping people work through that. The world needs more peeps like yourself :)