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Hope you all had a nice holiday! Mine has left me super exhausted (it's not exactly a vacation when your family is difficult as hell but we won't be getting into that). I'm gonna push through and make sure you get the next page of the comic before the new year, as I will be offline Dec 31-Jan 2nd! The side comic is still getting worked on and for that I apologize, and the pinup might have to come early January. Thank you so much for your patience, as this month was really tight for too many deadlines. More soon~




Take your time G


Hey Jackaloo, I hope the rest of the year and your new year's break are more relaxing. Your incredible work ethic is appreciated and certainly not unnoticed. Perhaps doing one page less per month could help you have more downtime. I cant speak for other patrons, but I think that could be a good thing for you.


Take what time you need, no need to push yourself, we're not going anywhere 😁

Max Freeman

Andy looks to be surprised. I do believe this is new to them. Noah seems to be setting up a negotiation for them

Angelic Bard - Pflegehund

Thank you so much for showing us a WIP! That sounds like an awesome plan. I am just here for the ride, so I am happy with whatever shakes out. You are AWESOME! I believe in you, and appreciate you keeping us in the loop :3


I can't express how excited i am for these when i see them. Every time patreon pops onto my phone I hope it is another comic page


*sees page number* nice