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New page a day early woo! I'm so, SO busy this upcoming week, so I really needed to just stick my entire face into the grinder and get this page out for you before the crazy starts.

Side note, I'm sure there is some question whether Andy's fantasy about how Noah's ween might look is accurate or not. To which I say... I dunno! Maybe we'll find out eventually 😜

Anyway, if I don't get a chance to post sooner, I hope you have a happy holiday week and there are still more posts coming before the end of the year so see you soon!



DJ Wolf

Oh man, lots to ponder there Andy. Whatcha gonna do?


Damn, Jack how are you so mean to my heart... ;-(

Kyle Gaymer, Beary Rookie

Cool that Noah suggested the idea, communicating is very important. I want all of them to be happy. Also noticed that Andy was fantasizing about the idea to now thinking about Cooper

Milo Smith

There’s a lot for Andy to consider and think about, but I really love how open Noah is being with him and thinking about everyone’s feelings involved. I hope that things work out for him and Wally! I also hope that maybe (if only even just to satiate the horny Demons 😈) we can see Andy be sandwiched between the handsome grey muzzles at least once! Happy holidays Mr. Loo! I’m so excited to see the rest of this season and also the fun story you’re picking with the gardener too!

Angelic Bard - Pflegehund

Hang in there Andy <3. Though the Andwich proposal... Oh my heart is racing, this is getting exciting and nerve wracking!


This starting to feel like a red pill blue pill situation. Seriously I hear Lawernce Fisbourne's voice in my head. You can have one but you cannot have both. Honestly i think Andy should bow out and let Noah and Walden be happy.


Damn that is hot 😈

Zian Panda

I kinda understand Andy's situation here. Polygamy/Open Relationships were a new concept for me, since I was brought up to believe that Monogamous relationships were the norm. I felt uncertain and didn't want to come between a couple who were in a romantic relationship. Communication is definitely key in these situations.


Gah I can't stand it when wonderful fantasies turn into different, less pleasurable memories. I wonder why Cooper invaded his mind tho 🤔


It's so sweet how mature and considerate this conversation is. I like the example this sets. Also those fantasies there are hot. Poor Andy tho, his thoughts always drifting back to Coop (can relate). Also one page away from the magic number :eyes:


Lmao I loved in the last panel that Andy’s neck hair floofed out when he got aroused 🤣

Jeff Huey

So I'd totally be down for this and talk to coop about being open so coop can be with both him and women if he wishes and he can also play with Walden who's a woofy daddy and his friend


If Andy really is serious about Cooper, loves him and wants a life with him, he should decline this proposal. Cooper is already having a hard enough time coming to terms with accepting himself, and the two are already keeping secrets from one another. To then add this to the mix would be like lobbing a grenade into their already complex dynamic. There is such a thing as too much too fast, and this would be the straw that would most certainly break Cooper's back. It was subtle, but Cooper has already displayed jealousy of Waldren in Summers Gone and Volume 1, calling him "some old ******".


Love the imagination transition in the last panel 😂

Colby Kent


Max Freeman

Cooper is a total buzzkill; Andy is finally happy, don't take this away from him. He needs to find himself and his motive


Wow, I'm not used to so much responsibility in this comic! XD

Max Freeman

Andy needs to say I do and move forward, not backward


Oh boy, Andy has a lot to think about. It looks like his relationship with Emery is something he can enjoy right now, but once he straightens things out with Cooper, he's gonna have to bow out and make a real commitment.

Max Freeman

Good point, but the thing is that he’s no as considerate of his feelings, doesn't listen well and too complicated.

Nova Wolf

Ok so Andy needs to stop thinking about other men. He's obviously meant for Cooper.


I agree. Andy was younger and inexperienced. Emery was there to give him that confidence and to break free as it were. Maybe it's time for that chapter to close and new chapters open for them both. I think Coop will need a lot of help to feel comfortable in himself and the idea that Andy was playing the field would really enforce the gay stereotype for Coop. And poss drive him back in to his shell. With River - I think Coop sees her as more female than male re voice, mannerisms etc so it's less of a break from the norm to associate with her. Andy being more definitively male will be the next step.

JP Marone

Man, what a choice Andy has to make here! Personally I'd go for threesome since Cooper is too much damn work, but that's just me...


Such a wonderful discussion about it and reflection of self doubt. Thank you for this comic

Ed Haynes

Andy should just bow out of this by declining the offer and trying to work on things with Cooper.

Kyle Gaymer, Beary Rookie

Same, plus Andy’s been trying for a long time to be with Cooper with it resulting negatively seeing how it’s not going anywhere between them. I think that Andy should be there for Cooper but move on seeing that a relationship is not likely gonna happen

Kyle Gaymer, Beary Rookie

I agree, I was rooting for him and Cooper but reading this part a relationship would just end up in disaster knowing the current situation


Dang I’m catching feels emotionally about this part is never had a relationship before so I’m kinda nervous being in that love triangle I guess 😶😬


The Cooper well is tainted by years of internalized homophobia becoming externalized homophobia directed at Andy. I think Andy would be a LOT happier and healthier in a mature poly relationship where he’s valued, listened to, and deeply cared about by two handsome men.


Whoo. Lots to think about.

Afadi Chionesu

It’s so touching that both Walden and Noah being supportive of helping Andy. 😇 But from the looks of the situation, Andy is still caught between a rock between being messing with Walden and trying to have a relationship with Cooper. Sure hope he’ll choose widely. 😯


Ooof, there is a certain amount of regret in him understanding that what Emery and Noah have is an romantic partnership, something that he won’t have with either of them, and something he’s not sure he could have with Cooper; great panel Jack!


Also, super funny how Andy doesn’t know how open the gay community is with sex, ‘you’d let your boyfriend have sex with another guy?!’ ‘Oh, you’re new 😂’


Don’t do it, Andy. Despite all Coop’s nonsense I get the vibe he really does view you as his boyfriend. Though I totally get it after spending your entire life pining after someone who isn’t exactly reciprocating your affection in a way that feels good at the moment. The stability (and pleasure) of Emery is enticing.


That neck fluff makes me remember the scene from Helluva Boss ep.6 when at the end Blitz is saying what he would do to Stolas and his feathers ruffles up saying "ooh please do"


Get in there now, Andy, before your relationship solidifies with Coop! Eventually, you'll both learn basic communication skills and tell each other how you feel and make commitments. But until then, get while the gettin's good! Seriously, like, RIGHT now. Go on inside y'all!

Kyle Gaymer, Beary Rookie

Never pictured Andy in a poly relationship but it would be a healthier relationship rather than trying to be with someone who doesn’t feel the same way or is still unsure of themselves

Kyle Gaymer, Beary Rookie

Shows how much they care about him 🥰 hopefully Andy does as I want to see him happy at the end of the day, if I was him I would take them on the offer rather than fantasizing about something who doesn’t feel the same way or isn’t sure about themselves


huh.........this is a challange, should andy do it or should he not do it. im not sure what's best all i do know is andy have to be EXTREAMLY careful when choosing last thing he needs is to hurt him self really bad or coop, and even though coops still being weird about stuff i think he's still getting used to things and last thing that needs to happen is for him to be hurt badly by andy's choices.


Andy pick the Emmery and just wait until River is ready.




This is Andy's chance to for once think with his head (or even heart) and not between his legs. Cooper has been going through a lot but has made some progress. However during this, when Cooper asked Andy if he meant that he loved him he hand waved it, literally thinking to himself about not wasting his chance to get into Cooper's pants again. He's actually multiple times thought about "his chance" with Cooper, and not in a romantic way, in the way of borderline sexually using Cooper. Cooper put it very well when Andy was trying to justify his behavior to himself after the rimming incident: Andy sure had a good time. It was all about Andy's gratification. The bit about wanting to give Cooper a good time was pretty much a lie, even to himself. He was jealous of River, barged in, used Cooper, and by his own words tried to "mark" him. I really want Andy and Cooper to be together. They both have things to work through, and Andy's "lust before love" nonsense has to settle down on his end of things. It would be really fun to see a cute threesome with these guys, but Andy should say no.


I agree he shoule say no and get with cooper. It looks like cooper is finly coming to terms with him being into guys. Andy saw that a few times already when cooper let him touch him the first tow times. Yes andy needs to calm down and realize this. Get your mind outof the gutter and think with your heart Andy. SAY YES TO COOPER!!!


Since I first started reading this amazing comic, I’ve always hoped for something more with Andy and Waldren. But seeing how happy and contempt the big old daddy dog is with Noah, I’m fully on board for this new couple! So whatever decision Andy makes (I hope he does have some fun with them) I hope he learns some wisdom from them to aid him in helping him and Cooper finally become a couple. I hope we see more potential comic arc involving Waldren and Noah’s holiday trip 🤞🏻