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Burgers, greymuzzles, and non-judgmental spaces to air your sadboi feelings? Nature is healing :3

"Communication? In MY comics? It's more likely than you think. Free PC check."

Thank you for your patience as I needed a few more hours to get this page finished, but hey! Got it out on my goal day so hooray ^^ More soon!




oh emery you sweetheart <3

Rayjay Redfang

We all need some Emery in our lives


Nice to see some self reflection and self awareness from Andy.


Awe!!! Sometimes got to let the feelings out

Colby Kent

You just have to love how fatherly Waldren is 💜


Oh wow, so much in this page, I've read it half a dozen times now and am still finding things I've missed. Bravo, love how there are so many thoughts and feelings that have come pouring out by Andy this page. Jackaloo you are truly a master.


Some great self reflection and advice here, and Andy finally meets Noah! Love how this page came out 😄


What a great page, Jack. Communication is on point. 👏👏👏

DJ Wolf

Oh Andy you precious boy. Look at you figuring things out on your own.


Man, this just makes me realize that I need someone to just talk to one of these days, it's seriously therapeutic and I'm overdue lol!


Self reflection and the wise words of some older furrs Adult conversations

Elijah Yarbrough

Yay! I'm overjoyed that EmeryxNoah is official! They're a really adorable couple! Nice to see Andy acknowledging his impulsiveness. Hopefully, he'll take Emery's sage words of advice to heart.

Max Freeman

I’m at a sigh of relief that Emery still wants to be Andy’s “daddy” Andy himself is beaten himself up and hates himself. Good thing Emery is understanding while Cooper will just leave and show no compassion. I’m glad that Emery is willing to share his boy-toy with his lover. Also I bet Andy is blushing at Every showing some skin and Andy is noting how special and important Emery makes him feel.


Dont worry puppy, this bear is here for you


Heh. "Intern-pup."


I wonder what Andy will do when he realized that River is a work colleague... not a romantic interest to Coop

Max Clawson

Well, not being on the boat with the whole EmeryxNoah ship. But I have felt they had quite Abit of chemistry and something would grow from it. Glad too see Andy letting out about his mistakes and hypocrisy and plans too grow from his 'dads' words.

Max Clawson

Also, wonder just how shocked Andy will be finding out who Noah's nephew is if he happens too stop by or be mentioned. If things don't work with Coop maybe Mark could get a second chance... If he ain't already dating

Afadi Chionesu

Great page, Jack! Nothing beats a barbecue with nice friends and relax while easing the stress away. :D

Red Laurent

Erf, this hits on so many levels. Great page!


Noah looks like a old version of coop without looking like coop xD


Naaw, Andy's expressions with the "Mhm!" and "wait a minute" would make for perfect stickers!

Milo Smith

Wow, Andy! You really seem to be processing everything! It’s really really nice that emery and Noah are listening to Andy and helping him get through this, they seem like a great couple and also easy to talk to and helpful too. I love this page and all of them! And Wait a minute, with that last panel, does that mean emery and Noah want to share Andy? 🤤🤔

Kyle Gaymer, Beary Rookie

It's good that Andy is letting out his feelings and even admitting that he was wrong about what he did, good character development on him. Also nice that he wants Emery to be happy with Noah

Max Freeman

Why not, more fun for him and twice the love, enough to keep him sane


Give me daddy waldreeeen! ♥♥ Hope Andy manages to figure himself out! 💪


YEEES!! Romance!!!


This is such a great start to my weekend! I’m glad to see Noah and Emery again.


Eh. I was hoping Andy would realize that he doesn't actually mesh well with his longtime crush and instead ends up with the love interest that is both great at communication and has good chemistry (Emery). I'm still ready to read more, just seemed like things were hinting at a different direction.


Andy is slow, but he gets there :)


Love the page and the delay is quite understandable. Look at all them dialogue boxes surrounding these multiple mens!


Hmmm, they shooting for a poly situation or just an open relationship?

Ed Haynes

Character-wise, this is the best page yet. Good for Andy to start figuring things out, and it'll be interesting to see what happens once he discusses it with Cooper. Hopefully nothing will go wrong there or he doesn't scare Cooper off...


this is very sad


The expressions on this page are so wholesome☺️ I’m happy to see Andy is making some personal headway with his emotions and I hope he continues on in a good way. I feel that Noah could be a big help for him as well if Andy can keep it together

Chamomile Sheep

Loving the reflection and self-awareness in this page. It's been long overdue for Andy.


Just a side note; Andy looks really good in red!


This is really great. I think this is the most dialogue you've ever crammed into one page. On the story front I'm really happy that Andy is recognising his own hypocrisy and actively looking for solutions. Also I really like the direction you're going with Emery and Noah. They deserve to be happy. Keep up the good work Jack.


So wait... Does this mean Andy sandwich?


I was thinking about the same thing.. hmmm now, that would be hot...dunno how healthy though hehe

Zeke Red

I smell a threesome! Lol

Zeke Red

Seriously though, good for you Andy. It’s nice to see him own up to things and learn. I hope he really does tell Cooper everything he just told them.

Zeke Red

i hope this isn’t the end of Andy and Waldren though


Oh man porr Andy


Three way?


When Andy says "intern pup" is he talking about his job? Or is he talking about what he does ON the job?


I think it's both.


I feel like once we get around to that moment, when Andy completely opens up to him, after Coop has had a chance to read the book River gave him and come to terms with his sexuality a bit more... Man, we'll be in for a few of the most intense, heartfelt pages in this series yet. Potentially some more drama, but I wanna be optimistic.


I feel like if Andy truly gets together with Coop (or in my wildest dream, Mark lol), the sexual aspect may fizzle from Andy and Waldren's relationship. But they seem to have a really solid and healthy friendship beyond their bedroom antics, so I don't see that ever going away.


Pretty sure it's the whole package deal. That's essentially the deal he struck with Waldren from day one, before his internship ever became official.