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Brr! Chilly out now, eh? We made it to the final month of the year! Pat yourselves on the back, because we managed to crawl out of another year of insanity.

There's plenty to cover, so here goes:

❄️ December’s Goals ❄️

⭐️ 3 pages of Interns Vol 3

⭐️ 2 pages of The Gardener ($3 and up)

⭐️ December's Pinup

⭐️ 2-3 Commissions

❄️ Holidays/Sick Leave ❄️

Without getting too into it, throughout November I experienced a significant decline in my physical health. I'm seeing doctors this month to take a closer look into my chronic pain/illness, so apologies if I'm a little on the quieter side.

We also have holidays this month. My social circle/family primarily celebrate Christmas, so I am trying to figure out a window in which I can take some days off and authentically rest. It's likely that it will be the last week of the year, but I will still try and make sure the three main comic pages are completed to keep the content flow consistent at it's core! 

❄️ What's happening in 2022? ❄️

So my old day job finally got back to me: "the good news is, we will give you health insurance for 2022! The bad news is it's your last year having health insurance with us. You'll be dropped in 2023." What does this mean? Well, frankly, this is for January Jackaloo to determine. I will be going back experimentally to my studio gig early next year and gauge how well it integrates into my work life. Here's the part you might like; I am prioritizing Patreon/Commissions over this job. That means that if the job affects the speed of my art production in the furry world, I am leaving it right away. If it doesn't, I am leaving it a year from now and going fulltime artist. I already researched which private insurance I will jump to, and I am prepared to take that leap. I just, well... I want to REALLY make sure I am making the right decision. Emotions and nostalgia for the job are making me hesitate. Either way, you'll know in the next couple months what my decision will be. At least the inevitable conclusion is working with you guys as my MAIN job! Woo!

❄️ New Merch? Volume 3's Completion? ❄️

Yes, all these things are happening next year! Earlier this year I told you guys I was getting ready to be able to physically mail merch to you guys, but I was advised to wait til 2022 since it's already so late in the year and it would only add an extra complication to my taxes. It's right around the corner, so I think it's worth the wait.

Volume 3 is almost done. However, there are still a few more scenes to go! Characters might get yanked around a little more so you'll just have to bare with me, but ultimately this volume will end on a good note. A positive cliffhanger, if you will :3 There will be no breaks in between volume 3 and 4, so don't worry, no hiatus planned.

❄️ Thank you! ❄️

This year has absolutely FLOWN by. I moved, went back to work and then got furloughed a second time, picked up a new job in place of it, agonized over the decision to leave my studio job and do Patreon/Commissions fulltime, yo-yo'd with my physical and mental health like crazy, and so much more. Thank you SO much, from the bottom of my heart. It's thanks to your support that I can live a nice, safe life. You keep the roof over my head, put food on the table, and give me options on how I can take care of myself. That means everything to me and I promise to give you my all in everything I do. Thank you and happy new year 💛



Thanks for all you do, Jackaloo 🥰


I hope next year is more stable for you dude. I know how much of a hassle health insurance can be. Thanks for all your hard work this year. Here's to a good 2022!


Plz take care of yourself bb. We all love you very very much.

Ryan Thompson

Thank you as always for your amazing work and keeping us updated. Please remember to always prioritize your physical and mental well being over your work! 😉 RJT /I\ 🥰


As much as we love seeing content from ya, your priority should making sure you have stable income! You have definitely worked your ass off, but maybe a different day job might make you happier? I’m not trying to change your mind, but offer some food for thought. I, like everyone else here, just want you to be happy! Hopefully work will be less annoying for you this coming year!

Red Laurent

Please take care of yourself first! I'll definitely patiently wait for art so you can deal with your health. Exciting to hear about making art full time though, I'm excited for you!