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That concludes the flashback, so onward toward the present! We may cut away later to check in on Andy, and perhaps a bossdog, but we won't miss out on this duo's weird little day either :P 

Happy to get this page out in time! Have a great weekend everyone. I think I am going to take the weekend for a little recovery/self care, then it's back at it strong by Monday. This is me purposefully working on the balance of work and recovery/play time, so thank you for always encouraging me to listen to my mind and body! :3




Even though he is covered in donut, I agree with Gary. I'd let him suffocate me with his musclegut.


Gary is a sucha dork, hah. Making these dialogue heavy pages must be an organizational nightmare, but it's nice to see how everyone behaves and interacts.


Oh, thank you so much for this page, Jack. As a bisexual myself, I got so tired of so many people in my life firmly believing that bi=gay, that I don’t even bother telling anyone anymore—it’s like I’m in a closet of my own. I’ve always had to tell everyone, that I find myself attracted to BOTH genders. Bi means TWO. But they just always seem to ignore one, usually the hetero. I love the pair of breasts on a woman, and I love the set of balls on a man. And I want people to know that it IS possible to love both. Not just possible, but OK! ❤️


So much to wrap your head around in just 2 comic pages. So much new information and feelings coming out. You are truly a gift and a masterful artist and story teller Jackaloo. Side note, Gary is just such a free loving guy, he's the friend we all need.

Cherubi Bloodborne

Chelsea with her great analytical skills has cooper figure out :3

Angelic Bard - Pflegehund

I think she has a leg up as his friend from COOlEg but If I remember correctly, she either did her bachelors or masters in Psych too LoL

Angelic Bard - Pflegehund

I love each and every one of these characters <3 You nailed it out of the park this week with this Awesome Page and the Incredible Comm. Good on you for taking the weekend, we'll see you Monday-Tuesday-ish :3!

Max Freeman

I have a feeling that Gary's gonna get his chance with Andy, he's sweet and sarcastic


I hope you're not implying bisexuality isnt valid and just a fetish.

Elijah Yarbrough

Gary is still cooler than a polar bear's toenail! Love that guy! Props again to Chelsea for not committing bi-erasure. It makes total sense that Cooper would have never fathomed that he may be bisexual based on his upbringing and the fact that bisexuality has traditionally been excluded from the zeitgeist. Cooper is embarking on a path toward self-discovery, and River is helping him become more liberated. Can' t wait to see what River has in store for smelly boi!


Cooper's paranoia of them knowing is justified and true... ive been in his shoes.

Milo Smith

I really enjoy the Dialog and exposition of this page, you can tell that they genuinely don’t care about cooper’s sexuality in a negative way. They seem to really want to understand why he’s been acting the way he is and not just pointing fingers and calling names. And River seems to be REALLY thinking about what’s being said to try and understand the complexity that is coop right now. I can’t wait to see what River has in mind for these ads though, I’m sure with your expertise this will be a lot of fun to see! 🤤 have a wonderful self care weekend jack and thanks for getting this page out so fast!

Kyle Gaymer, Beary Rookie

These flashbacks were amazing, cool to see that they don’t care about Cooper’s sexuality while also respecting that they should wait for him to say something first. I do hope that we go back to the text that jealous boi sent to Chelsea

Ryan Thompson

Great page Jack. I hope your weekend is as recharging is you need it to be 😁


Jack just wanted to let you know that you are doing an outstanding job on the story and have been for years. This is first and foremost your story and you can't please everyone. I've been reading since Vol 1 was coming to a close and have loved every bit even if things didn't turn out how I liked that's just a part of the ride and it didn't kill my enjoyment one bit. I truly hope that you stick with doing things how you want and that your decisions aren't swayed by a few unhappy readers who feel like they aren't getting what they want out of the story. Keep up the great work! I'll be here for the long run

Afadi Chionesu

Looks like things are mellowing down after the party's over, and it's amazing that Chelsea and company are having a clear understanding of Cooper's situation, especially River. 😌🙏 Can't wait to see what Cooper and River are going to do before practice dancing. 🤔🙂 Thanks, Jack. And have a great weekend as well. 😀


Annndddd the additional page makes me less upset with River.


Let's all play a drinking game. Go through Matt's comments on all of Jackaloo's posts and take a shot every time he calls River a Mary Sue.


Yeah I'm out. I can see why a lot of people have stopped posting on these when a totally respectful criticism of only the very current story arc gets met with people doing the worst faith interpretations as possible and assuming you're being a bigot. I am actually pretty shocked by a community that can only thrive by being inclusive that they'd act this way. So congrats I guess.

DJ Wolf

Gary you are adorable.

Afadi Chionesu

I know what you mean, Matt. That kind of talk on my favorite comics and such, makes my blood boil. 😡


I love where you’re taking this, Jack. Also I adore River, they’re the best and I think exactly the right queer friend and mentor for Cooper right now.


One thing his friends have not included in their is the impression Coopscdad left on him re homosexuality.


Thank you for taking the time Jackaloo~! You put a lot of conversation on this page and still managed to make it read well.


I think there are a lot of bi guys out there who don't realize being bi is an option. I didn't. And then I realized it was. And it still took me a few years to come to terms with it. I can really identify with how the story is unfolding here.


it's hard to understand yourself as bi even after a long time and with the support of your friends


Man I fucking hate river now


i love her even more! x3 she's one of the kind getting to the point and nobody ever told us river is the holding back one...so... relax a bit okay?