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River is already done with Cooper’s shit

Lucian Greywolf

First! So much yet to know so I wanna see more now. I love how real River is being with Cooper in this page and his reaction


I think most of us have had mornings like that, lol. To early and to tired to put up with any shit. Though props to River for being so patient with Coop, he still has a lot to learn about the world and himself and River sees that.


Loving that grin…I haven’t felt this life since Andy’s Pacino face all the way in Vol. 1. 😏 Although I don’t think anything really happened in the living room in THAT short amount of time.


I think Coop definitely needs to keep this hairstyle. Its perfect.

Kyle Gaymer, Beary Rookie

Curious of what they talked about, also looks like River knows a little more about jealous boi

Elijah Yarbrough

One of my favorite aspects about River is that they absolutely do not pull any punches. I'm fairly certain that Cooper's going to have to address some of his past transgressions, and he won't be able to weasel his way out of this conversation. It would be really fascinating to see what Cooper would have been like had he met River earlier in life. I'm also so hyped to learn more about the enigmatic River!

DJ Wolf

I love how River just doesn’t let Cooper bullshit. He makes Cooper think and be himself. Its awesome.


River be shooting straight from the hip. Zero fucks given. Zero holing back the punches. I’m all for it. No one’s really stood up to smelly boy this way and put him in his place really. Also coops hair is probably the most on point for a look i have seen on him. Would love to see it stay.


River is awesome. And yes Andy did finish what they started which I love. And Coop about to face himself in this convo Also want to say how much I love the art and the colors on this page. It's so well done and they just really pop. There's so much happening, like technically speaking I have no idea how you did it Jack and I respect the heck out of ya


Rivers evil grin slays me xD She(?) is awesome


Nice to see Emery and Noah out on the town together in that middle panel, two of my favorite characters that you've done


I resonate with the first panel on a spiritual level.


Lmao I love everything about this page


Okay sleepy river is amazing, I vibe with her so much

JP Marone

Probably like the twelfth time I've said this, but I love River


Glad to see River and I are kindred spirits in hating mornings. Also excited to get some backstory. Drag Queen story time!


Damn it just hit me how much your style has developed since I started following you back on interns vol 1, it’s so amazing to see the growth and direction in your art and I can’t wait to see where it goes next 💜

Afadi Chionesu

Wow, I didn’t realized River hung out with Chelsea and them after the party. 😲😐 Also Cooper is now having the chance to get to know them more. 🤗 I bet this is where River’s backstory comes in. Can’t wait for the next page! 😁


The realistic next chapter would be River talking about their(?) own backstory and not what I assume is coming: Them being attracted to Cooper and continually shit-talking Andy. Andy really hasn't done anything wrong toward River (I guess except be SLIGHTLY rude toward them at the party) but to see them essentially call him Coopers' petty whore has really made me kind of dislike them. They seem so unrealistically portrayed as the gay equivalent of the 'white savior' trope in other media that it makes me roll my eyes a bit. I get that they add drama to the story and I can appreciate that, but still, once again establishing that they can just get along with anyone is really unrealistic. I sure hope Chelsea really sets the record straight or stands up for Andy, who has been supporting Cooper for who knows how many months now without expecting anything in return, until River entered the scene pretending to be hot shit. I'm not a huge stan of Andy, but I appreciate how he's portrayed pretty realistically. Someone who essentially is giving up a portion of their own self-worth for a crush they've had for years, and I can totally sympathize with that. But comparing him to River, who seems just perfect in every way, leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I support Jack and believe he'll (eventually) write River realistically but ever since their introduction it's been a bit frustrating.


I think that's fair. River, at least on the surface, is probably the most stable character in the comic thus far. Secure in their identity and lot in life. I would certainly be interested to see what issues they may be struggling with, if any.


I feel as though you're taking a bit of a huge leap analyzing River's character. "Cooper's petty whore", that's a pretty big stretch. River seems like a straightforward nonsensical person, but I don't think there is a romantic attraction to Cooper less comradery and mutual friendship. Also, the situation with Andy, he is a petty character and was rather rude to River outright. Someone, he should have a deeper conversation with before pushing them off. Characters can flop into many trope roles when you only know so much about them. We still don't know many details about River, he could be flawed just like others but masks them differently as they've shaped who he has become now.


Oooh I'm eager to learn more about Riv. This also answers the question if everyone actually heard or not, I guess.


Perhaps some of of Riv's qualities don't ring true for you, such as being able to make a friend in any room, but I would caution you against using your own lived experience/assessments and assuming it to be true for everyone. I absolutely know people who have that social butterfly quality to them and they can jive with most anyone in a room. It's an intentional effort that kind of person has made typically, to be able to do that. A quality they've essentially trained. This type of person is realistic.


Am I the only one who read “I’m not a man” in a similar voice to Janet in the good place saying “not a girl”


The description of someone as a 'chippy' is calling them a promiscuous person, usually used to describe a female prostitute. It's a pejorative. And this idea that "Andy is petty and was quite rude" is just another example of how a character like River comes in and ruins other characters. Andy was very slightly rude to them a single time and people spin it into he's this awful person. Been happening the second that River showed up to do nothing but introduce drama into their relationship. You act like he was insulting them or something, when the worst you can say is that Andy essentially was like, "Yeah okay sure anyway, I've gotta go."


Plus technically Andy isn't caring about River's appearance, though we can assume River might not recognize that themself. So just because River knows how to keep a crowd fun (I know a lot of people like this) doesn't mean River has made life long friends with each person.


Out of curiosity, will there be another demo before you release the final product on itch/steam? What you have so far looks very promising!