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Later this week you should see some finished commissions and next page of Waldren's comic :3



Grant Schultz

The fourth wall break with the paw is a hilarious touch!


They know. Someone knows. River likely knows.


Tbh, I wouldn't want my bf immediately kissing me after he did that either. Lol. Cute page. Hopefully nobody heard.

Kyle Gaymer, Beary Rookie

At least jealous boi is being considerate of Cooper’s feelings as it was too much for him since he’s still figuring himself out. Also wondering if everyone will ask what happened


I love this comic and the characters so much, but Coopers emotions and reactions to things are giving me whiplash!? Haha 😅 I really hope there is a happy ending for him and Dee soon (whether together or separate)


That forth wall break with the Paws tho. lol 😂

JP Marone

Seems Cooper's still locked in straight denial mode. Poor guy. That fourth wall break is one of my favorite moments so far, heheh <3


Ooow Coop is you own cum.


Coop had me worried for a moment. Andy and Coop were made for each other

Elijah Yarbrough

Andy's "yoink" face is absolutely priceless! This was a cute way to end this interaction, but I know that more drama is on the horizon. It's a safe bet that at least one person heard them...

Zeke Red

Something about Andy kneeling in just a shirt but totally bottomless is kind of hot. Lol


Dee doesn’t get how far he pushed Cooper’s boundaries, or how in appropriate his timing was. Expect a whiplash.

Kyle Gaymer, Beary Rookie

Shows how much jealousy has been building since River came to the party. He’s been acting insecure and obsessive confusing love with lust as he does want Cooper but jealous boi mostly wants to rub it in River’s face or claim Cooper as his own

Diego P

hahahaa this page is fantastic!

Eren Yanno

So Coop gets all bitchy with Andy, but has no issues popping boners for River, the femboy twink. Mkay. Story makes a lot of sense. I've essentially lost track of what's going on anymore other than the resounding message that twinks are the godsend that Coop needs and Andy is a jealous, sexual predator. Spent the whole past 3 chapters dumping on andy the whole time, making Waldren leave him for twinky Noah, constantly making his relationship with Coop a battle, then introduced the Savior Twink River who Coop seems to have instantly fallen head over heels for, to the point of inviting him to a party that his supposed best friend did for him. Good lord.

Eren Yanno

I doubt it. The way the writing has been going, Coop will end up with River and like the rest of the story, Andy gets screwed. Andy has been getting screwed the entire story lol. Doubt Jack is going to change the pattern now.


At least, no one stepped on Andy´s glases this time.

Eren Yanno

Lol If you think at this point they are going to end up together, you haven't paid attention to what the writer has been doing to Andy the whole time.

Angelic Bard - Pflegehund

Dude, your chibis on this page were absolutely ADORABLE <3 I love the tension you're building, the sorta 'pillow talk', the feels... I'm so excited for the next page! AND MORE WALLY LATER THIS WEEK! Thank you for all your hard work Jack!


I hope these two have a real talk about boundaries soon, or else this ain't never gonna work! Andy needs to learn to ask a fella if they can go further, and when to drop something when Coop doesn' t wanna talk about it. Cooper is going through a lot, and yeah he may be an asshole but Andy chose to stick around for his sexuality exploration when he really didn't need to.


I totally agree. It’s sad how quick people are to turn Andy into a villain. Let me remind you of something, Andy has been patient with Coop and gave him all the space he needed for how long? Months? Years? Now that he’s finally stepping up and going for it, y’all act like this? Coop is playing games and being inconsiderate.


Right. Does he play the straight denial game when Rivers bounding on his hard cock? No.


Did Coop ask Andy before he groped him and sent him on stage? Did he ask him before he kissed him in front of his best friend? Did Coop ask Andy before he did that stuff at camp when they were kids? Everyone makes mistakes and they’re both at fault. They just need to talk it out. Try not to assign blame.


Andy is honestly giving me weirdo vibes at this point. Coop obviously has his own issues but that’s besides the point… if I was trying to hook up with someone and they showed any hint of resistance or displeasure that’s it, it would be over. I don’t understand why he’s taking this so casually. A screw is definitely loose.


And before anyone replies with some clownery about Andy being a victim let me also mention that despite Coop clearly playing with Andy this whole time, Andy still chooses to come back and put up with it over and over again. So… I really see no victims here just a lot of clowns

Afadi Chionesu

I think Cooper did have fun. But he’s still figuring things out. Also, I’m glad that Andy is starting to calm down and respect Cooper’s feelings (at least at this point). 🙂 I sure hope the coast is clear, outside the bedroom. 😬 Thanks, Jack. 😊

Kyle Gaymer, Beary Rookie

Same, Andy was completely out of control wanting his way with Cooper acting jealous the whole party. Cooper probably did but not sure if he should like it or not trying to process multiple things at once. I’m actually hoping that they do get caught, eager to see how everyone will react


The fucking FOOT omg


Shit I thought I was the biggest pawslut here but clearly many people beat me to the punch xD


I feel like a lot of people in the comments need a reminder that this is a made up story. People out there loosing there shit because someone else has a different opinion about something made up


Omg is panel 6 supposed to be like a 4th wall break? That is hilarious 😂


Jealous boi seems to be coming back to his senses now. I can just picture everyone sitting in the room trying to pretend they didn't know what was going on.


Omg getting meta with the paws in panel 6 xP

Max Clawson

It's already been said many times: But the Fourth wall break of Coop being put off by his own paws is just comedic gold ❤️


I think he's more worried about the rimming, though maybe both grosses him out.


I think this went about as well as it could. Cooper admitted he had fun, but called Andy out on it. Andy needs to come to terms with the fact he absolutely in NO WAY did this for Cooper. He's lying to himself if he believes that. He felt jealous, ran after Cooper, then tried to (literally) mark him as his. I still want them to get together, but Andy overstepped himself here. I think this might be the most rational (and patient!) reaction from Cooper yet. As someone rooting for Andy and Cooper to get together, I was similarly thinking "oh no no no, back off River!" But Andy didn't handle it well. River has absolutely no idea about the situation, and Cooper isn't "his" to claim.


Omg the 4th wall break xD


Wait is coop reaction to his beans!


Those middle three panels with the kiss are great! I think they might be among my favorite in the series so far. Funny, cute and so in character for both of them. Curious to see how much this messes up poor Coop though, he was already questioning everything and this might have made it worse.

Eren Yanno

Huh. How strange that he doesn't seem to have an issue if its Twink-ass River though. Shucks. I can't imagine what the difference is.


Idk man I think he would have been just as bad if River ate him out and jerked him off. Then tried to mark him after.

Eren Yanno

I wouldn't have such an issue with this whole situation if for the past few years Andy was depicted as this constantly.. But this very uncharacteristic behavior was suddenly introduced within this last chapter in response to River showing up at the party he (Andy) put together. He has never displayed any of this sort of behavior prior and it's frustratingly sudden as if its a hail Mary attempt to turn him into some sort of sex crazed fiend when he's never been like that canonically in previous chapters.


I don't think it's all that sudden. I think it's built up to this with the messing around he and Coop have done. The confidence boosts he's been getting from playing with Waldren and the fact that he is straight up jealous of River. We've seen him to be very emotional in the past and go to extremes. This has been an emotional extreme in a different direction but not out of character.

Eren Yanno

He hasn't displayed any "jealousy" prior. Yes his confidence was helped by Waldren, but confidence is a completely different thing to... whatever this... is. Even when Waldren dumped him for Noah, he was fine. A little sad, but not a sex maniac. Last scene we saw him with Waldren, he had plucked up the courage to be assertive and then Waldren hit him with the "lets just be friends because I wanna go bone my old flame twink friend" talk. And went on "vacation" with Noah somewhere. So this whole jealous sex fiend bit is pretty out of the blue, considering Andy has always been fairly passive and trying to please everyone. Hell, a good example of how he was respectful of Coop before was during their New Year sleep over where Coop got a handy from Andy (lol) and instead of pressuring Coop to return the favor, he let him sleep and went to the bathroom to uh... unwind. This behavior is nearly the exact opposite of behavior he's shown consistently in the past.


I think you have to remember that Andy doesn't know what Waldren is doing, we do, but all Andy knows is that he's going on vacation. Doesn't know he's with Noah either so of course there won't be any jealousy there. Also Coop is (in Andy's eyes at least) the love of his life. This is the first time he's seen him get turned on or anything by another guy. Especially a sexy twink like River. He's also created a narrative in his head that he and Coop are sort of becoming a thing with the playing around they've done before this. Andy brought that up in the panel with Chelsea when he makes up with her. They talk about how Andy is doing everything and giving Coop all the benefits of a relationship without them technically being in one. So he's put everything out there. Mix in the fact he's gaining more sexual confidence, he's doesn't have Waldren to help him get off, and the fact that he is head over heels for Coop. Then to me this series of events has made sense.

Eren Yanno

Waldren did explicitly state what he was going to be doing and that he was going to spend time with an old friend lol. He literally dumped Andy that chapter and friendzoned him xD That was the cliffhanger at the end of that chapter. This behavior literally didn't start manifesting until these past few pages with River being forcibly introduced into his world randomly. This scene has been pretty stretched out, but its literally minutes within the whole story, vs years of previous development. That is why it's so "sudden".


I think that's where we completely disagree. The development has led to this. Andy after years of pining for Coop finally sorta has him. And then River, for him, comes out of nowhere and threatens to ruin what is finally a good thing for them. So Andy is obviously going to have stronger feelings here then he would about Waldren visiting an "old friend" which can mean multiple things in that moment. If you ask me you're projecting our knowledge into that situation where Andy doesn't have the whole context. Whereas with River he's going to go all out, and has gone all out to show Coop who was turned on by River, (which is the trigger moment) that he can be sexy and be that for him too.

Eren Yanno

I mean Waldren ended their affair/relationship that same chapter right before telling Andy he was going on vacation with an old friend. Lol. And story wise, yes this sudden. It's literally an hour or so in story time. Andy literally just went jealous sex predator fiend within the span of an hour of story time when none of his previous behavior really hinted he was anything like this. Thats my whole problem. That and these stories somehow always throw the more normal/average guys under the bus in favor for more stereotypical relationship dynamics like JockXTwink or DaddyXTwink. And thats how this is shaping up to be with the story.


But often times in life a bad decision or an emotional moment can be triggered in just a short amount of time. Heat of the moment things happen. And I think that's what this is, especially when everything is taken into account. Andy let his jealousy taken over in this moment. It doesn't mean his entire character has changed.

Eren Yanno

That's fair to say. But it is honestly completely uncharacteristic tbh. I just feel like its being used as a way to push the story into a certain direction.


Well we also need to remember it's a porn comic. And that Jack isn't a professional novelist (no offense love the story). And most importantly, we're talking about an incomplete product. This could be a fleeting moment of weakness for Andy, or it could be the start of a whole new character arc. We don't know yet.

Eren Yanno

I get cha. I thank you for at least being able to discuss things.