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So yeah! Mark is Noah's nephew! ^^ Will this be the last of him? Who knows? All I know is gangly scruffy goofs must run in the family. Also do you like me butchering "Break My Stride" to avoid copyright stuff? xD 


*Slam DUNKS Winter Blossoms into the "Done" pile!*

YES! WB is complete and we are ready to move onnnn! From the bottom of my heart, thank you for reading this one. This was definitely the most challenging side comic to do because, well, I couldn't really do a whole lot. Being stuck between past and present comics didn't leave a lot of room for character growth that wouldn't be consistent with the comic timelines, and I didn't think about that before putting up a poll asking what subject matter that readers wanted me to explore. So thank you so much for sticking around while I worked this one out.

I'll promptly be starting up Waldren's new side comic! Only dangling project left before full steam ahead with the next side comics is GBT, which is close to being complete as well (I'm doing that thing again where I work on multiple pages at once which is why it feels slower than normal). For those who missed what projects I have in mind for other side comics, check them out here.




Ahh I see that the cool hippie vibes run in the family ^^


Can you imagine when Andy sees Walden and Noah together then sees Mark again after so long only to see him with Noah not knowing that's his uncle.


….I foreshadow a potential four way crossover!!! Wouldn’t that be iconic if Walden and Noah made it as an item (fingers crossed they will), and Andy meets mark after so long and realises that a potential relationship with the tall handsome mutt is possible and sweet sweet karma for his ‘complicated’ feelings with Cooper!


No fuckin’ way!! 🤩 I’m super excited about this now!!


I sense powerful foreshadowing waves coming this way. 👀

Lucian Greywolf

This was a nice finish that tied so much together. Wow, never made the connection between Mark and Noah but really glad to see this and gives hope we might see Mark in the main comic before the whole thing wraps up


Oh wow how did I never make this connection 😂😂 this definitely isn't the last we'll see of Mark.

Angelic Bard - Pflegehund

YAAAAY!!! WB is complete, I am so proud and exited we've made it! Thank you for still continuing to put so much effort into an amazing comic like this Jack, I still really enjoyed WB all the way from Grumpy Wolf Boi to our Gangly Bois x3 Very excited to see future Mark > : 3!? Thank you for all your hard work and careful consideration Jackaloo, you make all these comics Magical in their own way <3


Damn. I never once even thought of that possible family connection. Guess this definitely means that we'll be seeing more of Mark in the future. A very nice and surprising ending to the comic as well, Jack. Really looking forward to the next side piece.

Kyle Gaymer, Beary Rookie

Cool to see that Mark and Noah are related 😊 can’t wait to see them make a return in the main comic. Wonder how much of a glow up Mark has gotten since then

Zeke Red

ah, there it is. Pretty good prequel that leads back into the main story. Well-done Jack!


Unexpected, and I love it! I hate to be that guy though, but you have mark saying "whaddaya you got" instead of "whaddaya got"! Just wanted to point out the tiny error for ya.

Afadi Chionesu

Amazing ending! It’s a surprise to show Mark and Noah are relative. I’ll be delighted to see them again in the future. 😃 Thanks, Jack, for creating this side comic and putting great effort into it. 👏


Oh damn. This'll shake things up. Great comic, loved the exploration of Coop and Andy's characters. It provides some valuable context for the main series. Love your work Jack, can't wait to read more.