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Past Q&A's 

Sorry it's here so late! This is the latest batch of Q&A results. Thank you to everyone who submitted questions!

Presently, I'm unsure just yet if I am able to continue doing these now that I'm adjusting to post-pandemic times where I am going back to my day job and such. I wanna TRY though! So apologies if the Q&A activity comes and goes at random times in the month. Please let me know if you really want these to continue and I will try my best~

Thanks guys! More comic things coming soon!



I don't care if Andy can't grow a lot of facial hair, that pic of him with a bit of hair is so cute!!!!!!

Kyle Gaymer, Beary Rookie

Satisfied to hear River’s thoughts on Fletcher, been wondering for a long time. Even though they aren’t interested in Fletcher romantically, they would make a cute couple. Now to figure out what Fletcher thinks about River


Andy with a beard is daddy AF. And scruffy aye river? Totally did not see that coming from a mile away 👀😂

Milo Smith

Andy is so cute with the full beard! I love that image of him. Maybe a spin off character?🤤🤤 Also I’m REALLY curious what river means by “I like my men scruffier” who’s he got in mind?👀 Also Gary, if you enjoyed it in the dream maybe you should make it a reality with this mystery man 😈😈


Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it! T-baggin’ is kinda hot.

Afadi Chionesu

Interesting! 🤔😃 I think you can continue the Q&As, and work on them whenever you're free to do so.

Angelic Bard - Pflegehund

10/10 on all of these answers! These are fun, but I think keeping a healthy pace with comic that feels good to you and occasional fun side doodles you feel inspired to share is a better decision :3


Love all of these! I didn't know I needed bearded Andy in my life before now. If you're actually able to go back to your day job, that's awesome news! Even if it means we get less of things like this, it (hopefully) means more stability for you. More stability = less stress which is something we can all use, honestly. Take care of yourself, this heat is booty-butts DX


The Q & As are super fun and interesting, but if you had to cut them or only do them every other month or something for your own work-life balance that's fine!


So River likes 'em scruffy and less polished, huh? And Gary suddenly reveals that he’s had some secretive gay thoughts within his dreams. All the more reason for the two of them to eventually get together!