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Aaaalmost there! I'm sure y'all can see where this is going...




What's he gonna ask? 👀

Milo Smith

Heavy heavy page, it seems coop’s ability to run away from his difficult situations has lasted much much longer than we anticipate. I really feel for both of them, it’s never an easy conversation to have after a falling out especially with such heavy subject matter. Your body language and facial expressions do such a wonderful job conveying all this turmoil!


Jesus…I was going back through this comic to assess the damage…but it looks like everything’s just fucked right now; Andy saw Cooper “cheating” on him with Ferne, Cooper’s private life has been read up by Andy, Mark was awkwardly turned down by Andy, Cooper lost a good friend because of Ferne…GAH it’s all gone to shit at this point

Zeke Red

phew 😅 I thought for sure Cooper was going to somehow deduce that Andy was in the room when he and fern were together. Glad it avoided that and Coop is at least willing to be friends. But somethings coming...

Afadi Chionesu

Somehow, I had the thought that Cooper is taking therapy, and those letters were somewhat close to journaling. 🤔 I also glad that Cooper is willing to restore his friendship with Andy at this point. Can’t wait for what happens next. Great page, Jack. 😃


Ahh I get so excited when this is updated! Even more so than the main novel! I'm not ready for this little side story to end 😭

IC Wolf

Should have gone with Mark, Andy... he's cuter anyway ;)