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This is one of those moments that were extra interesting to finally draw out :o 




OwO god dam


Andy is reeeeaaaaalllllllllyyyyyy jealous, wow! Let’s see how this plays out 👀


Devious Andy

Milo Smith

Andy is so forward and very assertive, I’m honestly shocked to see him really going for it so intently! And interesting word choice, Coop “not like this”. The last panel though, what does our jelly boi have in mind 🤔 once again, you’ve knocked it out of the park Jack!!


Jesus, Andy is really going for it. I guess after everything he's done waiting for Cooper to catch up. His feelings are real and he's following them. Wherever they might take him.

Angelic Bard - Pflegehund

The energy and flow.... This page stirs up a lot of emotions that are a very unique combination of trepidation, sexy, and discordant. I really like this page, very good read~


Andy: *Looks Smelly Boi deviously* Smelly Boi: *chuckles* I'm in danger!


Freight train Andy comin through. Choo choooo


Its kinda weird to see andy act so dominate but at the same time i love it lol


*consuming popcorn by the bucket-load* THIS is getting exciting, I have a feeling I know what Andy's thinking, and I like OwO (just hope he doesn't spoil it)

Elijah Yarbrough

Jeez, this is simultaneously hot and unsettling. On the one hand, I like the fact that Andy is more emboldened, but he is letting his aggression cloud his judgment. He's trying way too hard to please Cooper, and he's still coming off as desperate. Either way, I'm anxious to see what else Andy has in mind. On a side note, is it just my imagination, or did Andy's ass get thiccer? Not that I'm complaining, lol.


Andy's jealousy is starting to turn into a wildfire... if he isn't careful it's going to burn him very badly. This makes my heart sad. I want him and Coop to be together so so badly. ;-;


Andy need ls to chill the fuck out. I know he's jelly, but damn!!.....very nice ass though.

Zeke Red

Damn, turning down Andy's fuckable ass? Hearing Andy say "You can fuck me if you want" is hot enough. But I get where Coop is coming from. I still want to see Andy swallow a load but I have no idea what he's about to plan with Coop....


Hmmm is Coop gonna get rimmed? >:3

Gayme Guy

“You can fuck me if you want.” Omg Andy 😱


AAAAA!!! ♥♥

Kyle Gaymer, Beary Rookie

Jealous boi is really eager right now to get his way. Wonder what he has in mind


I sense a 69 position coming.


Andy's Butt looks so perfect from this angel 🤤 This is getting hoter and hoter, Let see what andy is going to try now😜 XD but yeah he is jealous, if you look he doesn't have a boner, he soft, soo that's tells that something is not right. soo the drama explosion is very near👀 👀

Dekko Wolfe

"not with all our friends here" aight Cooper way to admit you want it 😂😂😂

DJ Wolf

God I love coopers body holy shit.


Damn. Coop’s balls are massive!


He was going for the kill! A pity that it was too eager and too soon.


Dang, Andy is getting super aggressive and impatient here, makes me wonder if this is gonna explode in his face if he doesn't cool it down a bit fast

Nova Wolf

This is absolutely beautiful. This here is why I signed up as a Patreon.


That’s right Andy, mark your territory.


Dam Andy has a nice ass UwU


also that Andy ass thou <3

Eren Yanno

Please just blueball him and be done with it.


That is a DARK-ass look on Andy’s face…damn, this page is super hot, too!!


How many times is Coop gonna say no to that gorgeous ass? Come on man. You were jerking with the door open. At least Andy locked it before taking control. Also have I said how much I love this side of Andy?


I think it's cute that Cooper wants his first time with Andy to be special. "Not like this." <3

Kyle Gaymer, Beary Rookie

I just noticed that, guessing the jealousy has been building so much that he can’t think clearly nor get hard from the action


Is that a birthmark on Andy's butt?


Holy fuck Andy has a gorgeous ass 😍😩😳


"Not like this"...? So he wants to fuck him...I hope Andy gets it


Pretty rare to see when it's Cooper who's trying to be the logical one out of him and Andy. Intrigued to see what Andy has in mind.

Afadi Chionesu

Everything’s turning out kinda smooth at this point. And it was a good call for Cooper not to fuck Andy at this time, otherwise, it will be really embarrassing. 😕 Great job, Jack! You really pull off the facial expressions. 😃


if he doesn’t get rimmed I’m gonna be soooo disappointed 😭


Coming off as desperate?! Absolutely not 😂 All this focus on Andy in the comments when in honesty we should be looking at Cooper. Clearly he’s learning about his sexuality and that takes time. Andy has been so incredibly patient and slow with Coop. Then, out of nowhere, here comes this fem boy dancing all over his semi-boyfriends dick and Cooper is pretending Andy doesn’t even exist. Intentional or not, that’s not cool. He deserves every inch of that hard dick and then some, periodt.


Them balls are H E A V Y

Zeke Red

Nice little handgag there too. I like


The amount of growth cooper's gone through is SO palpable, as much as the growth Andy's still got ahead of him. EXCELLENT page


If Andy is planning on rimming cooper it's going to be with intent to make him moan because if Cooper cums from being rimmed, their is no way it happens without a very audible sound! I bet you Andy's goal is to make him moan so the rest of the party hears it or at least River who is undoubtedly listening on the other side of the door... Basicslly, Andy is claiming his territory! Talk about being a dominant bottom!


Good heavens this may be one of the hottest pages you've ever done. Amazing!


Andy, No means NO 😬


Hmmmmm. I'm gonna guess 69. I feel like it's gonna be a 69


Looks like someone have been "prepared " for the birthday night 😏

An Icy Bean

Oh Andy’s really GOIN for it 👀👀👀 Interested to see what comes next 👀✨


Rimmed without specific preparation sounds a bit much, though it's porn so it's hand waved could be a thing. Now a finger to introduce Cooper to his prostate while finishing him with his mouth? Hmm... Then again Cooper might already know about that considering he knew how to do it to Andy.


Pretty sure he's gonna finger Coop, just like Coop did to Andy from way back. That or a 69. Either way, it's gonna be hot!

Kyle Gaymer, Beary Rookie

It will be hot to see what happens in the next few pages. I don’t see Cooper as Andy’s territory as the two of them never had a proper conversation about each other, plus Andy is acting very insecure building up a lot of jealousy thinking that Cooper and River might possibly be dating when nothing was explained to him


You know. now that I take the time to read some of the other comments, I totally forget about the possibility that Andy would finger cooper and it would make sense plus if cooper does cum from being fingered it would probably have more of an impact then rimming... also where was my mind when I suddenly jumped to the conclusion that he was gonna rim cooper. lol XD I'm not even generally into that and my brain went there... lol