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For example, last month's pinup poll was a "mashup", pitting Andy/Waldren against River/Cooper, with Riv/Coop coming out on top. Should this month automatically mean that we will get an Andy/Waldren mashup, or would you prefer a different "challenger" a chance to go up against them too?



Lol "Coming out on top"

Max Freeman

Wendy is the best couple ever, and I hope they have a great sex life together when Walden gets back

Max Freeman

All thanks to Emery; Andy has all the right motives to ask confidently without people walking over him


Honestly, I think the loser should just be included in the next poll, not automatically win the next. If after two or three polls it’s clear that it won’t win, just get rid of it.


I'm still waiting for Noah to get his chance to shine 😭


I prefer Andy/River mashup


I think polls like this should cycle through, adding new candidates and maintaining the losers until they win, or until they loose too many times in a row, recieving an auto-win for the patient folks who've been wanting it for multiple polls in a row.


My issue with this poll is that it isn't asking people about the general structure of the polls without any specific motivation, it's asking if they want you to do the Andy/Emery Mashup, which I imagine they do. If this poll is only being used to determine this specific instance that would be fine, but you shouldn't automatically make both poll options back to back every time without asking again.

Angelic Bard - Pflegehund (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-10 22:48:30 I think that to keep all characters cycling, it's TOTALLY fine to have two planned characters, and that the Patreons are essentially just voting on which character appears first. This way we don't have characters constantly ignored (RIP Fletcher ;A; </3), we cycle through new characters more frequently too!
2021-06-03 23:37:21 I think that to keep all characters cycling, it's TOTALLY fine to have two planned characters, and that the Patreons are essentially just voting on which character appears first. This way we don't have characters constantly ignored (RIP Fletcher ;A; </3), we cycle through new characters more frequently too!

I think that to keep all characters cycling, it's TOTALLY fine to have two planned characters, and that the Patreons are essentially just voting on which character appears first. This way we don't have characters constantly ignored (RIP Fletcher ;A; </3), we cycle through new characters more frequently too!


I wouldn't say automatically necessarily, but perhaps if the votes are close enough or if you personally like both matchups, you can do the top one first and then follow it up with the runner up, but only if you're feeling it. You know your workload better than we do :)