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I'll sketch River with hair, but when it comes to linework, River's hair comes in last xD New page coming your way very soon!



Lucian Greywolf

Uh oh. Looks like River notices Cooper's woody. Question are they pleasantly surprised or is there the feeling of "OMG really dude?" NGL I would definitely be aroused from it


Well... what did he expect? XD

Zeke Red

Really that surprised River? Ugh, don't make a big deal and draw attention to it, help a Birthday boy out.


He doesnt look to happy about it xD


He looks a little worried and disgusted 😬

JP Marone

Ruh roh


Eeek, looks like it's gonna be both the "look but don't touch" and "oh, a boner" reactions - much excitement, very eager to see the dialogue between them.


I'd be surprised if River would be surprised after doing something like that. Unless it's more along the lines of a wardrobe malfunction or Cooper fainting... Also, for a spit second I thought it was Cooper in the image. That mix up on my part reminds me of a wolf in another story that gets shaved to a thin coat to disguise his identity.

Milo Smith

I can’t tell whether disgust or surprise is on river’s face, I guess we’ll soon find out! Also one other question jack, is good boy time coming back next month or is it on the back burner until you’re caught up on the calendar and commissions? I hope April has been less chaotic than the last two months were!


Assuming the reaction is to Cooper's mast, River is regretting doing such a good job lol


My game plan was trying to finish the last page of the comic early because my second covid shot is tomorrow. I run a pretty high risk of getting side effect sick so I wanted to make sure I got the main important content was done in case I’m unable to work the next couple of days. If I am able, GBT will happen just before the month ends or during the first week of May! Either way, it’s coming along, it just needed to take a backseat when my schedule got scrambled a few times in a row. Thanks for asking! ^^


Can it be cannon that River is bald and just uses wigs on a daily basis

Sebastian Gwinne

That’s how I gathered it. Initial reaction to being grabbed, downgrade to surprise at le bonehr.