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WOO! I managed to get this one done! I'm sorry I didn't post a WIP or anything during the week; in between packing and chores, I tried to jump on the tablet whenever I could just to chip away at this page and try my best to get you one more page before my weird week or two of away-time.

There's a few things to unpack on this page xD We've almost played around the circle here, which leaves Cooper and River's turns on the pizza box 👀 hmmmmm

Fletcher's pinup is scheduled to post tomorrow. Q&A answers may come during the first week of March. Apologies for the lateness on that one, and the next page of both WB and GBT are about halfway done, so you'll see those ASAP too!

Thank you so much for hanging tight, and I really appreciate the understanding during this time. See you soon for more content! :3




PFFT, that fucking BLUSH 😍😍😍 Speaking of, Coop’s turn; let’s see what builds up now...!

Atari Doge

Imma slap coop i swear to god that’s a beautiful beefy man


Now I’m dying to see more of Gary 😍


Cooper looking super interested all of a sudden


A Coop, Andy, Chelsea 3-some sounds super hot.


I feel like Andy is going to die of a heart attack before the night is up lol

Lucian Greywolf

Dang Jack. Can't believe you were able to crank this out on top of moving. Hope you take some time for yourself to relax too ♡


All the blushing is adorable!


I called it xD i had a feeling she would pick Andy and Coop

Milo Smith

There’s SO MUCH to unpack in the page, I cannot get over how expressive and simultaneously hilarious your faces are!! I love Andy’s adorkable blush but my god, coop zoning in on him did it for me 😂 and I second Gary for a pinup! That belly, the bulge and his arms are such great eye candy 🤤 good luck on the move jack and thank you for busting your butt to get all these projects done in the middle of it all!


Andy is a special boy and needs to be protected

Angelic Bard - Pflegehund

"Professor, what's foreshadowing?" "A narrative element often used as an off-handed comment or symbolic imagery to represent future elements or plot devices. Often, in an ironic twist." *Glances at Chelsea and Coop* " l B 3"


Awww I just feel in love with the last panel of cooper 😍 he face just looks soo cute ❤ I loved it! Lol XD cooper's surprising face,🤣 and Andy looking away really nervous.

JP Marone

I wanna stick my fingers in Coop's big stupid open maw :P

Afadi Chionesu

LOL I love this page! It becomes another favorite of mine! :D You sure pull it off, Jack. Take all the time you need to get things done. And good luck on the move.


Forget the andy x coop ship going on, now I wanna see a wally x Gary ship! Lol


Cooper getting some ideas there? lol

Elijah Yarbrough

Lmao at Cooper's "thirst beam"! That is the face that launched 1000 ChelseaXCooperXAndy NSFW commission requests, lol. Also, I really wanna give Gary a nice belly rub.


Although now I can’t help but be curious which panel the WIP was gonna be...😁


Boys with muffin tops are my weakness!


This is starting to get really hot... again...


"I've been waiting for 4– No 5000 year's for this" -Kars

Max Freeman

Aww yeahh, Gary has a sexy bod, Can't wait for him to hook up with Coop


Watch. Cooper's turn will end up being "kiss the person on your left".........look who's on his left.