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Hello! I am pleased to announce that I am going through the big change of moving homes. Please excuse any potential delays in content. I will try my best to keep up, but there may be that inevitable couple days or possibly a week where I will be unplugged and up to my horns in packing/unpacking. The time you are least likely to hear from me will be the first week of March.

I'm moving out of my tiny bungalow and into a more spacious home in the same area with a close friend I've had since childhood. I've lived alone for the past three years, so I'm hopeful that the company will be good for my mental health!

I couldn't take the next step in my life without you guys. Thank you so much for being here, supporting the comic, taking commission slots, all that! I've been scrimping and saving through the entire pandemic so that I could budget for a move eventually. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to change my environment after a long, isolated year. It means the world to me.




Congrats on the move! Hope it goes well.


This is the the first time I’ve seen your ‘sona non-chibi’d. Looks beautiful!!


I wish you luck with the move Jack! Thank you for keeping us all entertained with your wonderful stories :) I look forward to continue my pledge well into the future and support your work!

Minh Lạc Bùi

Glad you've moved on, Jackaloo. Take as much time as you want to move. When you're ready, you can do it again. :)


Stay safe out there and hope everything goes well and smoothly with moving homes! Glad to hear you are improving :3

Arty Byrne

Weyhey!!! Good luck and congratulations!!!


Well done, jack, Congrats!!! on your new home!!!

Minh Lạc Bùi

Honestly, you've changed my perspective about my "things" with your art. You really bring my life up man, more than anyone else. My life would be dull without your art. You're da man, Jack!

Minh Lạc Bùi

Happy Lunar New Year from Vietnam! (It's basically new year in the lunar calendar).


Congrats dude! Hope the move does you a world of good!


Good luck with the move. Hopefully it won't take too long, but no need to rush. Your content is worth every penny.

Elijah Yarbrough

Best of luck with the move, Jackaloo! Stay safe!

Lucian Greywolf

Aw Jack that is so exciting! I wish you all the best as you step forward in life with a new roommate. Man if I was nearby, I'd offer to help you move too *hugs* please don't overdue it tho. Stay safe ♡


Congrats! Wish you all the luck in the new place! we love you! ♥


Good luck! Movings always an exciting and stressful time lol

Afadi Chionesu

Congratulations, Jack! It is nice to live close with friends. And good luck. 😃

Eren Yanno

Congrats!!!! I'm really happy to see you able to do this sort of thing by doing what you love and enjoy <3

Angelic Bard - Pflegehund

This is gonna be awesome Jack :3! Please take care of yourselves, and know I'm gonna be rootin' ya on as you prepare to move! No sweat on the content, I'll still be here waitin' patiently ;3~!


Best of luck with the move and future living arrangements! Moving in general is very stressful so please don't over extend yourself until you're situated, we'll be here.

Tucker Fox

Hope for the best for you. Thank you for what you been doing it’s given me hope, excitement, and enjoyment that I haven’t had for sometime thanks again. And hope you have fun moving.


Feels like you just moved a couple of months ago. But I understand because it sounds like a much better living situation. I've been living alone in my condo for about a year and a half now and the solitude can be a bit much some days.