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Paper-snatching wolves are to be avoided at all times!



Milo Smith

I feel bad Mark is put in that awkward position, he’s a really nice guy and I’d hate for Andy not to take his opinion seriously because he’s blinded by coop. I can’t believe how vindictive he is in this scene, it’s really really unflattering 😳

Afadi Chionesu

Coop is being really being cheeky right now. 😰😧

Angelic Bard - Pflegehund

They are so fucking homosexual the flirt game is ridiculous. Also, a very subtle nod to 'After The Party' XD ALSO PLEASE SAVE MARK


*baps coop with newspaper*


I feel like making rash decisions is just second nature for Cooper. I don't see this ending well. Probably ends up with him pulling more lies out his ass or shoving his foot in his mouth.


Not gonna lie, had to put the image into paint and rotate it because apparently I can't read lol


Better watch out for me then


"Resident Assistant Week 4 Report" Ugh I can already tell this is going to make me hate Coop.


Mark is very cute